City of Rapid City, South Dakota
6:30 P.M., Monday, April 20, 2015
INVOCATION (You are welcome to participate, but not required)
1. Veteran of the Month: Cheri Johnson, Ward 1
2. Employee Awards
3. Girl Scout Volunteer Appreciation Week Proclamation presented to the Girl Scouts Dakota Horizons
A time for the members of the public to discuss or express concerns to the Council on any issue not on the agenda. Action will not be taken at the meeting on any issue not on the agenda, except by placement on the agenda by unanimous vote of the Council members present.
Mayor's Items
4. No. CC042015-04.1 Arts Rapid City Update Anna Huntington
5. No. CC031615-04.3 Rushmore Plaza Civic Center Update (Referred from the April 6, 2015 Council meeting)
Open Public Comment Items 6 - 41
Close Public Comment
CONSENT ITEMS Items 6 - 41
Remove Items from the Consent Items and Vote on Remaining Consent Items
Approve Minutes
6. Approve Minutes for the April 6, 2015 Regular Council meeting.
Vacations of Right-Of-Way Set for Hearing (NONE)
Alcoholic Beverage License Applications Set for Hearing (May 4, 2015)
7. Impressive Nails Inc dba Impressive Nails, 1301 W Omaha #105 for a Retail (on-off sale) Wine License
8. Garage LLC dba Garage LLC, 402 St Joe for a Retail (on-off sale) Wine License
9. Garage LLC dba Garage LLC, 402 St Joe for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
Public Works Committee Consent Items
10. No. PW041415-01 Approve Change Order No. 5 to Scull Construction Services Inc. for Canyon Lake Dam Reconstruction Project, Project No. 08-1743 / CIP No. 50739, for an increase of $6,963.83.
11. No. PW041415-02 Approve Change Order No. 6 to Scull Construction Services Inc. for Canyon Lake Dam Reconstruction Project, Project No. 08-1743 / CIP No. 50739, for an increase of $89,374.93.
12. No. PW041415-03 Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for Sodium Chloride (Deicer). Estimated Cost: $500,000.00.
13. No. PW041415-04 Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for Ice Sanding Material. Estimated Cost: $100,000.00.
14. No. PW041415-05 Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for RapidRide Transit Vehicles. Estimated Cost: $580,000.00.
15. No. PW041415-06 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Agreement between the City of Rapid City and Banner Associates Inc. for Construction Administration Services for Longview Water Transmission Main Extension, Project Three, Project No. 12-2013 / CIP No. 50900, in the amount of $103,626.00.
16. No. PW041415-07 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Agreement between the City of Rapid City and DTH, LLC, for the Dyess Avenue Sanitary Sewer Extension Cost Reimbursement, not to exceed $41,006.51.
17. No. PW041415-08 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Resolution No. 2015-036 a Construction Fee Resolution for South Berry Pine Road Sanitary Sewer Extension Project No. 11-1957.
18. No. PW041415-09 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Resolution No. 2015-037 a Construction Fee Resolution for South Berry Pine Road Water Service Line Project No. 11-1957.
19. No. PW041415-10 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Resolution No. 2015-038 a Construction Fee Resolution for Dyess Utility Extension Phase 1.
20. No. PW041415-11 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Resolution No. 2015-039 a Construction Fee Resolution for Dyess Utility Extension Phase 2.
21. No. PW041415-12 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Resolution No. 2015-040 Construction Fee Resolution for Seger Drive / Dyess Sanitary Sewer Extension Phase 1 Frontage Project SSW 11-1946.
22. No. PW041415-13 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Resolution No. 2015-041 Construction Fee Resolution for Seger Drive / Dyess Sanitary Sewer Extension Phase 1 Oversize Project SSW 11-1946.
23. No. PW041415-14 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Amendment No. 2 to Agreement Number 715298 between the City of Rapid City and the Department of Transportation for the Mount Rushmore Road Project, SDDOT Project NH 0016(78)676 PCN 01TH.
24. No. PW041415-15 Approve with a Waiver of Right to Protest a Request from Henricksen, Inc. for Wyngard Investments, LLC for a Variance to Waive the Requirement to Install Sidewalk per City Ordinance 12.08.060 Along Centre Street for 530 Cambell Street, Lot 7, Cambell Square Addition, Section 5, T1N, R8E, Rapid City.
25. No. PW041415-16 Request for authorization to proceed with an RFP for consulting services to create a Downtown Plan, to include review of the Central Business District regulations and boundaries and to be jointly funded by the City and Downtown Business Improvement District.
26. No. 15TP015 Acknowledge the 2013 - 2015 Pedestrian & Bicyclist Crash Report.
Legal & Finance Committee Consent Items
27. No. LF041515-01 Confirm Reappointment of Shawn Gab and New Appointment of William G. Eldridge to the Rapid City Regional Airport Board of Directors
28. No. LF040115-04 Authorize the Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Rapid City and the Rapid City Area School District for Entry onto Property for Wildfire Mitigation and Fuel Elimination (continued from April 6, 2015 City Council meeting)
29. No. LF041515-03 Acknowledge February 2015 Sales Tax Report
30. No. LF041515-04 Resolution No. 2015-034A Resolution Fixing Time and Place for Hearing on Assessment Roll for Cleanup of Miscellaneous Property
31. No. LF041515-05 Resolution No. 2015-042 Resolution Declaring Miscellaneous Personal Property Surplus
32. No. 15TP017 Approve of the Rapid City Year-end 2014 Population Estimate
33. No. 15TP014 Approve and Authorize the Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign the 2015 Unified Planning Work Program Amendment 2015-01 and Amendment #1 to the 2015 Unified Planning Work Program Agreement #311212
34. No. LF041515-08 Acknowledge Discussion on Parking on Kansas City Street near the Public Safety Building.
35. No. LF041515-09 Acknowledge Discussion on 10 Hour Meters on Kansas City Street from Sixth Street to Mount Rushmore Road.
Community Planning & Development Services Department Consent Items (NONE)
Continued Consent Items (NONE)
Bid Award Consent Items
36. No. CC042015-02.1 Approve award of Total Bid for 2015 Miscellaneous Improvements Project, Project No. MIP14-2142 / CIP No. 50298 opened on April 14, 2015, to the lowest responsible bidder, Knife River Rapid City, in the amount of $262,600.00.
37. No. CC042015-02.2 Approve award of Total Bid for Pavement Rehabilitation Project Enchantment Road, Project No. 15-2242 / CIP No. 50549 opened on April 14, 2015, to the lowest responsible bidder, Knife River Rapid City, in the amount of $169,946.50.
38. No. CC042015-02.3 Approve award of Total Bid for Pavement Rehabilitation Project Copper Hills, Project No. 15-2238 / CIP No. 50844 opened on April 14, 2015, to the lowest responsible bidder, Knife River Rapid City, in the amount of $335,000.00.
39. No. CC042015-02.4 Approve award of total bid for Ready Mixed Concrete, opened April 14, 2015, to the lowest responsible bidder, Pete Lien & Sons Inc., in the amount of $84,725.00.
40. No. CC042015-02.5 Approve award of total bid for Hot Mixed Asphaltic Concrete, opened April 14, 2015, to the lowest responsible bidder, Simon Contractors of SD dba Hills Materials Company, in the amount of $138,800.00.
41. No. CC042015-02.6 Approve award of total bid for Limestone Gravel, opened April 14, 2015, to the lowest responsible bidder, Simon Contractors of SD dba Hills Materials Company, in the amount of $56,785.00.
Open Public Comment Items 42 - 83
Close Public Comment
42. No. LF040115-17 Second Reading, Ordinance No. 6040, An Ordinance to Fix an Error in Section 15.14.150 of the Rapid City Municipal Code Concerning the International Property Maintenance Code.
Recommendation: Approve
43. No. LF040115-18 Second Reading, Ordinance No. 6041, An Ordinance Repealing the International Existing Building Code by Deleting Chapter 15.15 of the Rapid City Municipal Code.
Recommendation: Approve
44. No. LF040115-19 Second Reading, Ordinance No. 6042, An Ordinance Amending the Climatic Table in the International Building Code by Amending Section 15.12.580 of the Rapid City Municipal Code.
Recommendation: Approve
45. No. LF040115-20 Second Reading, Ordinance No. 6045, An Ordinance To Increase the Amount of Time Allowed in On-Street Parking Areas in Downtown and Repeal the Graduated Penalty for Timed Parking Violations by Amending Sections 10.44.010, 10.44.070, and 10.40.205 of the Rapid City Municipal Code.
Recommendation: Approve
46. No. CC042015-04.2 - Authorize Mayor & Finance Officer to Sign Resolution No. 2015-044 A Resolution to Set the Amount of Penalties and Late Fees for Parking Violations.
47. No. 15RZ005 - First Reading, Ordinance 6043, An Ordinance Amending Section 17.06 of Chapter 17 of the Rapid City Municipal Code, Rezoning the within Described Property as requested by Advanced Engineering for TJ Wojtanowicz for a Rezoning from Low Density Residential District I to Low Density Residential District II for property generally described as being located east of the intersection of Hoefer Avenue and Churchill Street.
Recommendation: Approve
48. No. 15RZ006 - First Reading, Ordinance 6044, An Ordinance Amending Section 17.06 of Chapter 17 of the Rapid City Municipal Code, Rezoning the within Described Property as requested by Larry and Mary Stevens for a Rezoning from General Agricultural District to Park Forest District for property generally described as being located 4784 Enchanted Pines Drive.
Recommendation: Approve
49. No. LF041515-06 First Reading, Ordinance 6047, Supplemental Appropriation #2 for 2015. Recommendation: Approve
50. No. 14OA009 First Reading, Ordinance No. 6013, An Ordinance to Permit Hobby Beekeeping in Residential Areas by Amending Sections 17.04.035, 17.08.020 and 17.10.020 of the Rapid City Municipal Code.
Recommendation: Approve
51. No. LF041515-10 First Reading, Ordinance No. 6010, An Ordinance to Regulate Hobby Beekeeping by Adopting Chapter 6.20 of the Rapid City Municipal Code.
Recommendation: Approve
Community Planning & Development Services Department Items
52. No. 15PL010 - A request by Advanced Engineering for TJ Wojtanowicz for a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for proposed Lots 1 thru 32 of Block 7 of Park Hill Subdivision, generally described as being located east of the intersection of Hoefer Avenue and Churchill Street.
Recommendation: Approve with stipulations
53. No. 15PL018 - A request by Sperlich Consulting, Inc. for Paul and Lori Sauser for a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for proposed Lots 7A and 7B of Block 1 of Eastern Acres Subdivision, generally described as being located 5846 Long View Road.
Recommendation: Approve with stipulations
54. No. 15PL022 - A request by Renner and Associates, LLC for a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for proposed Lots 3 and 4 of Block 2, Lots 1 and 2 of Block 3 of Heartland Retail Center, generally described as being located 4145 Cheyenne Boulevard.
Recommendation: Approve with stipulations
Legal & Finance Committee Items (NONE)
Public Works Committee Items
55. No. PW041415-17 Request from Henricksen, Inc. for T-M Holdings, LLC for a Variance to Waive the Requirement to Install Sidewalk per City Ordinance 12.08.060 Along Dyess Ave for 2509 Dyess Avenue, Lot 4, Northstar Subdivision, Section 29, T2N, R8E, Rapid City.
Recommendation: Deny per staff recommendation
Compass Committee Items
CIP Committee Items
Alcoholic Beverage License Applications Reissuance Items 56 - 82
2015-2016 Package (Off Sale) Malt Beverage License Renewals
56. Fresh Start Convenience Stores Inc dba Fresh Start Convenience Stores Inc, 2215 Haines Ave for a Package (off-sale) Malt Beverage License
57. Fresh Start Convenience Stores Inc dba Fresh Start Convenience Stores Inc, 3275 Cambell Street for a Package (off-sale) Malt Beverage License
58. Fresh Start Convenience Stores Inc dba Dons Valley Express #1, 4030 Cheyenne Blvd for a Package (off-sale) Malt Beverage License
59. Fresh Start Convenience Stores Inc dba Fresh Start Convenience Stores Inc, 520 Birch Ave for a Package (off-sale) Malt Beverage License
2015-2016 Package (Off Sale) Malt Beverage & SD Farm Wine License Renewals
60. Pilot Travel Centers LLC dba Pilot Travel Center #918, 2783 Deadwood Ave for a Package (off-sale) Malt Beverage & SD Farm Wine License
2015-2016 Retail (On-Off Sale) Malt Beverage License Renewals NO Video Lottery
61. Unique Ink Promos Inc dba Unique Ink Promos Inc, 3300 Deadwood Ave N for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
62. Jian Y Liang dba Hunan Chinese Restaurant, 1720 Mt Rushmore Rd for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
63. Ichiban LLC dba Ichiban, 1109 W Omaha St, Ste A for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
64. Rapid City/BH Lodging LLC dba Cambria Suites, 3333 Outfitters Rd for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
65. Everest Cuisine LLC dba Everest Cuisine, 2328 W Main St for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
66. Kathmandu Bistro LLC dba Kathmandu Bistro, 727 Main St for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
67. CCW LLC dba HuHot Mongolian Grill, 1745 Eglin St, Ste 990 for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
68. Diamond Hospitality LLC dba Howard Johnson Inn & Suites, 950 North Street for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
2015-2016 Retail (On-Off Sale) Malt Beverage License Renewals WITH Video Lottery
69. Pilot Travel Centers LLC dba Pilot Travel Center #918, 2783 Deadwood Ave for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
70. WR Rapid City Ventures LP dba Oakleaf Beer Garden, 2111 N LaCrosse St for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
71. Fresh Start Convenience Stores dba Fresh Start-Rapid Valley #21, 3887 East Highway 44 for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
72. Wyngard Pot O Gold Casino Inc dba Lucky D's Casino II, 1330 E St Pat St #2 for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
73. Wyngard Pot O Gold Casino Inc dba Pot-O-Gold Casino, 1300 Centre St for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
74. Wyngard Pot O Gold Casino Inc dba Lucky D's Casino, 1330 E St Patrick St for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
75. Cimarron Casino Inc dba Main St Gap Casino, 1727 West Main St for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
76. Cimarron Casino Inc dba Gap Casino II, 1727 West Main St Ste 2A for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
77. Cimarron Casino Inc dba Royal Casino I, 2530 W Main St #I for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
78. Cimarron Casino Inc dba Royal Casino II, 2530 W Main St Ste II for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
79. Rapid Bowl Inc dba Meadowood Lanes, 3809 Sturgis Rd for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
80. United Food Inc dba Toby's Casino, 720 E North St for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
81. United Food Inc dba Tobys Casino Too, 714 Cleveland St for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
82. United Food Inc dba Toby's Casino South, 710 Cleveland St for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
Mayor's Items
Council Items & Liaison Reports
Motion for Delivery of Items from Committee
83. Motion for Delivery of Items from Committee: No. LF041515-07 First Reading, Ordinance No. 6046, An Ordinance Separating the City's Vision and Capital Improvement Accounts into Separate Funds by Amending Chapter 3.16 of the Rapid City Municipal Code. Alderperson Ron Weifenbach
Staff Items
Planning Commission Appeals
License Appeals
Other Appeals Heard by the Council
Open Public Hearing - Items 84 - 87 [Public Hearing Remains Open]
Remove Items from the Continued Public Hearing Consent Items and Vote on Remaining Continued Public Hearing Consent Items
Continue the following items until May 18, 2015
84. Dakota Wingmen LLC dba Native New Yorker Grill & Wings, 1756 Eglin Street, for a Retail (on-sale) Liquor License TRANSFER from Kellys Sports Lounge Inc dba Kellys Sports II, 825 Jackson Blvd
Close Public Hearing - Items 84 - 87
Remove Items from the Consent Public Hearing Items and Vote on Remaining Consent Items
Community Planning & Development Services Department Items (NONE)
Alcohol Licenses
85. Rapid City Library Foundation for a SPECIAL EVENT Wine License for Events Scheduled for May 15, 2015, June 15, 2015, July 15, 2015, August 15, 2015, September 15, 2015, October 15, 2015, November 15, 2015 and December 15, 2015 at the Rapid City Public Library-Downtown, 610 Quincy Street
86. Rapid City Summer Nights Inc. for a SPECIAL EVENT Wine and Malt Beverage License for Outdoor Events Scheduled for May 28, 2015, June 4, 2015, June 11, 2015, June 18, 2015, June 25, 2015, July 2, 2015, July 9, 2015, July 16, 2015, July 23, 2015, July 30, 2015, August 6, 2015, August 13, 2015, August 20, 2015 and August 27, 2015 on 7th Street and St. Joseph Street
87. MG Oil Company dba Corner Pantry #18-LaCrosse St, 2130 LaCrosse St for a Package (Off Sale) Malt Beverage License
Assessment Rolls
Other Items Requiring Public Hearings
88. No. CC042015-01 Bill List for April 20, 2015