Agenda Item Summary


Meeting Date:4/14/2015

Planning Commission: 3/26/2015; 4/9/2015

Staff Contact: Kip Harrington, Planner III

PW Committee:  4/14/2915

Petitioner: Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

City Council 1st Reading: 4/20/2015

Location: Click here to enter text.

MPO Committees: 4/16/2015

Agenda Title:

15TP015– Acknowledge the receipt of the Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Pedestrian and Bicyclist Crash Report 2002-2014.


The Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, in conjunction with the City of Rapid City Engineering Services Division, produces a yearly Pedestrian and Bicyclist Crash Report. The report categorizes and analyzes all reported pedestrian and bicyclist crashes, and provides recommendations on methods to reduce these crashes.  While the report does not contain specific mitigation strategies, it does recommend a re-examination of the methods used to deliver the message of safety to pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers. Here are the highlights:

·         Priority should be placed on efforts to educate pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers about safety practices associated with non-motorized modes of transportation.

·         Particular emphasis should be placed on programs to effectively reach the under 19 year-old age group

·         Additional consideration should be given to educational efforts related to the risks associated with pedestrians under the influence of alcohol.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):






Action:  Acknowledge the 2002-2014 Pedestrian and Bicyclist Crash Report  

NOTE:  Planning Commission continued to the April 9, 2015 Planning Commission meeting due to a lack of quorum. 3/26/2015; Planning Commission acknowledged: 4/9/2015



Attachments & Links:

Staff Memo

Pedestrian and Bicyclist Crash Report 2002-2014





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