ADA Compliance: The City of Rapid City fully subscribes to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you desire to attend this public meeting and are in need of special accommodations, please notify the City Finance Office 24 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate auxiliary aids and services are available.

Please remember to turn all cell phone off or to vibrate during the meeting.

City Council Policies and Procedures


City of Rapid City, South Dakota

7:00 P.M., April 18, 2011










APPROVE MINUTES for March 28, 2011 Special Council meeting and April 4, 2011 Regular Council meeting.



1.                  Veteran of the Month

2.                  Employee Awards




A time for the members of the public to discuss or express concerns to the Council on any issue not on the agenda.  Action will not be taken at the meeting on any issue not on the agenda, except by placement on the agenda by unanimous vote of the Council members present.




Public Comment opened – Items 3 - 68

Public Comment closed


CONSENT ITEMS – Items 3 - 63


Remove Items from the “Consent Items” and Vote on Remaining Consent Items


Vacations of Right-Of-Way Set for Hearing (None)


Alcoholic Beverage License Applications Set for Hearing (May 2, 2011)

3.                  Independent Ale House LLC, DBA Independent Ale House, 625 St. Joseph Street for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License


4.                  Independent Ale House LLC, DBA Independent Ale House, 625 St. Joseph Street for a Retail (on-off sale) Wine License



5.                  Outback Steakhouse of Florida, LLC DBA Outback Steakhouse #4211, 665 East Disk Drive for a Retail (on-sale) Liquor TRANSFER from Outback Midwest II LP DBA Outback Steakhouse


2011 – 2012 Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License Renewals NO Video Lottery

6.                  City of Rapid City DBA Executive Golf Course, 1136 Executive Drive for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License


7.                  City of Rapid City DBA Meadowbrook Bar and Grill, 3625 Jackson Blvd for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License


8.                  City of Rapid City DBA Rushmore Plaza Civic Center, 444 N Mt Rushmore Road for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License


Public Works Committee Consent Items


9.                  No. PW041211-01 – Approve Request from Ellsworth Air Force Base to Discharge Wastewater to the Rapid City Wastewater Treatment Facility.


10.              No. PW032911-11 – Acknowledge Report on Update on Road Core Sampling


11.              No. PW041211-02 – Approve Change Order No. 3F to Mainline Contracting for Robbinsdale – E. St. Francis, E. St. Anne, & Birch Avenue Reconstruction, Project No. ST09-1823 / CIP No. 50424, for an increase of $49,594.50.


12.              No. PW041211-03 – Approve Change Order No. 4F to RCS Construction, Inc. for WRF 2010 Improvements, Project No. WRF10-1856 / CIP No. 50791, for an increase of $16,246.00.


13.              No. PW041211-18 – Approve Funding Change Order No. 1 to Canyon Lake Drive Reconstruction, Project No. WTP10-878 / CIP No. 50004, to correct funding distribution allocation.  No change in net dollars.


14.              No. PW041211-04 – Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for Street Rehabilitation Project #5 – Park Drive, 1st Avenue to 7th Avenue, and Central Boulevard Area, Project No. ST11-1914 / CIP No. 50844.  Estimated cost:  $335,000.00.


15.              No. PW041211-05 – Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for St. Onge Street Reconstruction, Project No. ST10-1948 / CIP No. 50445.  Estimated cost:  $260,000.00.


16.              No. PW041211-06 – Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for Signal Hill Sidewalk, Project No. SWK11-1944 / CIP No. 50869.  Estimated cost:  $175,000.00.


17.              No. PW041211-19 – Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for 2011 Miscellaneous Improvement Project, Project No. MIP11-1923 / CIP No. 50298.  Estimated cost:  $100,000.00.


18.              No. PW041211-07 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with TSP, Inc. for construction administration for Catron Boulevard Reconstruction – Utility Relocation & Modification, Project No. SSW09-1819 / CIP No. 50495, in the amount of $149,654.00.


19.              No. PW041211-08 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement with Advanced Engineering & Surveying, Inc. for St. Andrew Street Reconstruction, Phase 1, Project No. ST07-1604 / CIP No. 50410, in the amount of $45,395.16.


20.              No. PW041211-09 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Permanent Utility Easement granted by City of Rapid City to Montana Dakota Utilities related to the Central High School Expansion. 


21.              No. PW041211-10 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Permanent Utility Easement granted by City of Rapid City to Qwest Corporation related to the Central High School Expansion.


22.              No. PW041211-11 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Permanent Utility Easement granted by City of Rapid City to Midcontinent Communications related to the Central High School Expansion. 


23.              No. PW041211-12 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign an Amended Agreement between City of Rapid City and Zandstra Construction, Incorporated and ZCO, Inc. for the Completion of Subdivision Improvements.


24.              No. PW041211-13 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with American Engineering and Testing, Inc. for 2011 Environmental Monitoring for Landfill/MRF in the amount of $54,315.92.


25.              No. PW041211-14 – Approve the no cost funding allocation correction to the Professional Services Agreement with Burns & McDonnell for Construction Administration Services for the Jackson Springs Water Treatment Plant Construction, Project No. WTP10-1858 / CIP No. 50789.


26.              No. PW041211-15 – Authorize Staff to Seek Proposals for Engineering Services for the Jackson Boulevard & West Main Street Intersection Reconstruction, Project No. ST11-1945 / CIP No. 50858.  Estimated cost for design and construction:  $1,150,000.00.


27.              No. PW041211-16 – Authorize staff to Accept Homeland Security Grant for Digital Radios in the amount of $8,776.00.


28.              No. 11VE007 - Original Townsite of Rapid City – Approve a request by Renner & Associates, LLC for Rapid City Area School District #51-4 for a Vacation of Water Main Easement for Lot RU-302B of the Original Townsite of Rapid City, Section 36, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located at 433 North Mount Rushmore Road.  (Continued from the March 29, 2011, Public Works Committee Meeting)


29.              No. 11VE008 – Big Sky Subdivision – Approve a request by Renner & Associates, LLC for Rapid City Area School District #51-4 for a Vacation of Non-Access Easement for Tract C of Big Sky Subdivision, Section 3, T1N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County South Dakota, more generally described as being located at 4840 Homestead Street.


30.              No. 11VE009 – Blake's Addition No. 2 – Approve a request by Fisk Land Surveying & Consulting Engineers for Liberty Chrysler Center LLC for a Vacation of Utility and Minor Drainage Easement for Tract A of Block 18 of Blake's Addition No. 2, Section 36, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located at 103 North Maple Avenue.


31.              No. 11VE010 – Westview Estates – Approve a request by Renner & Associates, LLC for Craig Hansen for a Vacation of a Minor Drainage and Utility Easement for Lot 6 Revised of Block 3 of Westview Estates, Section 21, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located at 4085 Corral Drive.


32.              No. 11TP010 – Acknowledge Draft Report on Rapid City Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan


33.              No. PW041211-17 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign an agreement with Midwestern Mechanical, Inc. for Fire Station No. 5 Sprinkler System, Project No. FD11-1954 / CIP No. 50884, in the amount of $43,250.00.


Legal & Finance Committee Consent Items


34.              No. LF041311-01 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Covenant Agreement between the City of Rapid City and Slainte LLC to Allow a Staircase and Handicap Access Ramp to Encroach into the Adjacent Public Right of Way.


35.              No. LF041311-08 – Deny request from Jennifer A. Giroux for property tax refund for taxes incurred from 5/27/04 to the current date.


36.              No. LF041311-22 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Assignment and Novation Agreement between the City of Rapid City, St. Joe Investment Group, L.L.C., and President's Plaza, LLC.


37.              No. LF041311-20 – Confirm reappointment of Jim Mullenberg and Alan Van Bochove to the Rapid City Electrical Board.


38.              No. LF041311-23 – Approve Resolution No. 2011-052 of Support for Nikko, Japan.


39.              No. LF041311-24 – Confirm appointment of Bonny Petersen to the Board of Directors of the Performing Arts Center (Dakota Middle School Theater) for a one year term.


40.              Acknowledge discussion on full disclosure on billboard petitions.


41.              Acknowledge Rapid City Journal Reporter Emilie Rausch's award for being named young journalist of the year.


42.              Acknowledge report regarding construction zones and banners.


43.              No. LF041311-02 – Approve Event Permit for American Cancer Society Paint the Town Purple to be held on June 2, 2011, from 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 


44.              No. LF041311-21 – Approve Event Permit for Real Life Church Spring Festival to be held on April 23, 2011, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


45.              No. 11CA001 – Acknowledge open house for Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan to be held on Wednesday, April 20, 2011, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the Council chambers.


46.              No. 04TI011 – Approve Resolution No. 2011-040 to Dissolve Tax Increment Financing District No. 49 Located west of Century Road, East of LaCrosse Street and South of US 1-90.


47.              No. 11TP008 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign the 2011 Unified Planning Work Program Amendment 2011-01.


48.              No. 11TP009 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Amendment Number 1 to Agreement Number 811086 between the City of Rapid City and the South Dakota Department of Transportation for Accomplishing the Rapid City Area Transportation Planning Process.


49.              No. 11TP011 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign the 2011 Unified Planning Work Program Amendment 2011-02.


50.              Acknowledge the following volunteers for workmen's compensation purposes:  Susan M. Zuber.


51.              No. LF041311-04 – Approve Resolution No. 2011-047 Acknowledging a Correction to the March 21, 2011 Council Minutes.


52.              No. LF041311-05 – Approve Resolution No. 2011-049 Establishing Change Fund for Meadowbrook Golf Course Beverage Cart.


53.              No. LF041311-06 – Approve Resolution No. 2011-048 Establishing Change Fund for Meadowbrook Golf Course Snack Shop. 


54.              No. LF041311-07 – Approve Resolution No. 2011-046 Declaring Property Surplus.


55.              No. LF041311-09 - Acknowledge Waste and Fraud Hotline quarterly update.


56.              No. LF041311-10 – Authorize Mayor and Chief Finance Officer to sign CDBG Contract with Cornerstone Rescue Mission in the amount of $4,391.19.


57.              No. LF041311-12 – Acknowledge report regarding professional service contracts entered into in the first quarter of 2011 under $25,000.


58.              No. LF041311-13 – Approve Resolution No. 2011-050 Authorizing the Placement of Traffic Control Devices in the Alley Located between 5th Street and 6th Street of Block 75 of the Original Town of Rapid City.


59.              No. LF041311-14 – Approve Resolution No. 2011-051 of Intent to Enter into Lease of Land with Black Hills Area Chapter of the American Red Cross Pursuant to SDCL 9-12-5.2.


60.              No. LF041311-15 – Acknowledge raffle request from Western Dakota Tech CAD Club.


61.              No. LF041311-16 – Acknowledge raffle request from Western Dakota Tech Green Students Organization.


62.              No. LF041311-17 – Acknowledge raffle request from Black Hills Mountain Bike Association.


63.              No. LF041311-18 – Acknowledge raffle request from Black Hills Home Builders Association.


Growth Management Department Consent Items






Remove Items from the “Continued Consent Items” and Vote on Remaining Continued Consent Items


Continue the following items until May 2, 2011:


64.              No. 10PL061 - A request by Dream Design International, Inc. for a Preliminary Plat for Lots 1 and 2 of Block 1 of Gateway Business Park Subdivision, legally described as a portion of the NW1/4 of the SE1/4 and a portion of Lot E of the S1/2 of the SE1/4, Section 28, T2N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located between East Mall Drive and Interstate 90 at the southern terminus of Dakota Craft Drive.


65.              No. 10PL066 - A request by Renner & Associates, LLC for Skyline Pines East Land Co. for a Preliminary Plat for Tract 1, Lot 19, and dedicated Fairmont Boulevard Right-of-way of Skyline Pines East Subdivision, legally described as a portion of the N1/2 of the SE1/4 of Section 11, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at the current western terminus of Fairmont Boulevard west of Mt. Rushmore Road.


66.              No. 11PL002 - A request by Bryan Vulcan for Ian and Amanda Vidinha for a Preliminary Plat for proposed Lot 89 of Canyon Springs Preserve, legally described as a portion of Common Area 1 of Block 1 of Canyon Springs Preserve located in the NE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 23, T2N, R6E, BHM, Pennington County, south Dakota, located at 8885 Nemo Road.


67.              No. 11PL013 - A request by Sperlich Consulting, Inc. for OTS, Inc. for a Preliminary Plat for proposed Lots 1 through 29 of Block 1 and Drainage Lot of The Ridge at Catron Crossing Subdivision, legally described as a portion of the NW1/4 of the SW1/4, and a portion of the SW1/4 of the SW1/4, Section 22, T1N, R7E, B.H.M., Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located west of the intersection of Overview Lane and Nugget Gulch Road.


68.              No. 11PL014 - A request by Sperlich Consulting, Inc. for a Preliminary Plat for proposed Lots 1 through 8 of Block 1, Lots 1 through 6 of Block 2, and Lot 1A and Lot 1B of Block 3 of Prairie Meadows Subdivision, legally described as Tract A of Prairie Meadows Subdivision and Government Lot 4 of Section 18, T2N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at the northeast corner of the intersection of West Nike Road and Country Road.




NON-CONSENT ITEMS – Items 69 - 83


Public Comment opened – Items 69 - 83

Public Comment closed



69.              No. LF041311-19 – First Reading, Ordinance No. 5719, Regulating Trenching Contractors' Licenses within the City of Rapid City by Amending Chapter 13.10 of the Rapid City Municipal Code.


Growth Management Department Items


70.              No. 10PL093 - A request by Renner & Associates, LLC for Susan Lykken for a Layout Plat for proposed Lots 27R and 28R of Block 2 of Springbrook Acres, legally described as Lots 27 and 28 of Block 2 of Springbrook Acres, Section 22, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at 2727 & 2735 Jenny Gulch Road.


71.              No. 11PL012 - A request by FMG Engineering for Rubloff Rapid City, LLC for a Preliminary Plat for proposed Lot A of Lot 1R and Lot B of Lot 1R of Five Star Subdivision, legally described as Lot 1R of Five Star Subdivision located in NW1/4 of Section 25, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located west of Haines Avenue, south of Disk Drive and north of Interstate 90.


72.              No. 11PL017 - A request by Fredrick and Arlene White for a Preliminary Plat for proposed Lot 7R and Lot 8R of Block 2 of Green Valley Estates, legally described as Lots 7 and 8 of Block 2 of Green Valley Estates, located in the SE1/4 of Section 23, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at 5811 Green Tree Drive.


73.              No. 11PL018 - A request by Sperlich Consulting, Inc. for a Layout Plat for proposed Lot 8 of Block 1 of Menard Subdivision, legally described as a portion of the NE1/4 of the SW1/4 of Section 32, and a portion of the NW1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 32 located in the NE1/4 of the SW1/4 and the NW1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 32, T2N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located on the south side of East Anamosa Street southeast of the intersection East Anamosa Street and North Creek Drive.


Legal & Finance Committee Items


74.              No. 11TP010 – Rapid City Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan – Draft Report


Public Works Committee Items


75.              No. 11EX241 – Attic Subdivision – Appeal of denial of request for exception to waive the requirement to install sidewalk along Deadwood Avenue per City Ordinance 12.16.080 for Lot B of the Attic Subdivision, S27, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota.


76.              No. PW041211-20 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign a Waiver of Right to Protest a Future Assessment for Sidewalk Improvements for Lot B of the Attic Subdivision, S27, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota.




77.              No. CC041811-02.1 – Intelligent Vehicle System/Automated Voice Annunciators (AVA), Rapid Transit Division (Opened on April 12, 2011)


78.              No. CC041811-02.2 – Pavement Rehabilitation Project #3 – Wellington Drive, Fox Run Drive, Triple Crown Court, Oak Avenue and South Boulevard Area, Project No. ST11-1912 / CIP No. 50844 (Opened on April 12, 2011)


79.              No. CC041811-02.3 – Permanent Pavement Marking Project, Project No PM11-1935 / CIP 50593 (Opened on April 12, 2011)


80.              No. CC041811-02.4 – Jackson Boulevard Greenway Tract Utilities Project No SSW11-1929 / CIP 50856 (Opened on April 12, 2011)


81.              No. CC041811-02.5 – Sweeper Broom Refills, Street Division (Opened on April 12, 2011)


82.              No. CC040411-02.1 – Jackson Springs Water Treatment Plant Project No. WT10-1858 / CIP No. 50789 (Opened on March 22, 2011) (Continued from the April 4, 2011 Council meeting)


Mayor's Items


Council Items & Liaison Reports


83.              No. PW122810-01 - Ad Hoc Sign Code Revision Task Force Extension Request (Continued from the January 3, 2011 Council meeting)


Reconsideration Notices


Motion for Delivery of Items from Committee


Staff Items





License application appeals


Sign Code Appeals


Other Appeals Heard by the Council


CIP Committee Items




Open Public Hearing (comment) -- Items 84 - 98




Remove Items from the “Continued Public Hearing Consent Items” and Vote on Remaining Continued Public Hearing Consent Items


Continue the following items until May 2, 2011:


84.              No. 10SV008 - A request by Renner & Associates, LLC for Skyline Pines, East, LLLP for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to waive the requirement to install pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk, street light conduit, water and sewer along a portion of Fairmont Boulevard as per Chapter 16.16 of the Rapid City Municipal Code for Tract 1 of Lot 19 and the dedicated Fairmont Boulevard Right-of-way of the Skyline Pines East Subdivision, located in the N1/2 of the SE1/4, Section 11, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, legally described as the unplatted portion of the N1/2 of the SE1/4 of Section 11, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located west of Mt. Rushmore Road and North of Tower Road at the western terminus of Cathedral Drive.


85.              No. 11SV001 - A request by Bryan Vulcan for Ian and Amanda Vidinha for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to waive the requirement to install curb, gutter, sidewalk, street light conduit, water and sewer, including dry sewer, and to reduce the pavement width along Nemo Road from 36 feet to 24 feet as per Chapter 16.16 of the Rapid City Municipal Code for proposed Lot 89 of Canyon Springs Preserve, legally described as a portion of Common Area 1 of Block 1 of Canyon Springs Preserve located in the NE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 23, T2N, R6E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at 8885 Nemo Road.


86.              No. 11SV004 - A request by Sperlich Consulting, Inc. for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to waive the requirement to install curb, gutter, sidewalk, street light conduit and sewer, and to reduce the pavement width from 40 feet to 20 feet along West Nike Road as it abuts the property as per Chapter 16.16 of the Rapid City Municipal Code for proposed Lots 1 through 8 of Block 1, Lots 1 through 6 of Block 2, and Lot 1A and Lot 1B of Block 3 of Prairie Meadows Subdivision, legally described as Tract A of Prairie Meadows Subdivision, Section 18, T2N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at the northeast corner of the intersection of West Nike Road and Country Road.


Continue the following items until May 16, 2011:


87.              No. 11CA003 - A request by Jim Bickett for an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to change the land use designation from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential for Lot A of Lot 2-3 of the SW1/4 NW1/4, the south 175 feet of Lot B of Lot 2 of the SW1/4 NW1/4, and Lot 1 of the SW1/4 NW1/4 all located in Section 9, T1N, R8E, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at 2825, 2909 and 2917 Garden Lane.


88.              No. 11RZ003 - Second Reading, Ordinance 5718, An Ordinance Amending Section 17.06 of Chapter 17 of the Rapid City Municipal Code, Rezoning the within Described Property as requested by Jim Bickett for a Rezoning from Low Density Residential District to Medium Density Residential District of Lot A of Lot 2-3 of the SW1/4 NW1/4, the south 175 feet of Lot B of Lot 2 of the SW1/4 NW1/4, and Lot 1 of the SW1/4 NW1/4 all located in Section 9, T1N, R8E, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at 2825, 2909 and 2917 Garden Lane.




Close Public Hearing (comment) -- Items 84 - 98




Remove Items from the “Consent Public Hearing Items” and Vote on Remaining Consent Items


Growth Management Items


89.              No. 10SV026 - A request by Renner & Associates, LLC for Susan Lykken for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to waive the requirement to install curb, gutter, sidewalk, street light conduit, sewer and additional pavement and waive the requirement to dedicate additional right-of-way as per Chapter 16.16 of the Rapid City Municipal Code for proposed Lots 27R and 28R of Block 2 of Springbrook Acres, legally described as Lots 27 and 28 of Block 2 of Springbrook Acres, Section 22, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at 2727 & 2735 Jenny Gulch Road.


90.              No. 11SV003 - A request by FMG Engineering for Rubloff Rapid City, LLC for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to waive the requirement to install curb, gutter, sidewalk, street light conduit, water and sewer along the access easement and to reduce the width of the access easement from 59 feet to a varying width of 40 feet to 26 feet and to waive the requirement to install water and sewer along Interstate 90 as per Chapter 16.16 of the Rapid City Municipal Code for proposed Lot A of Lot 1R and Lot B of Lot 1R of Five Star Subdivision, legally described as Lot 1R of Five Star Subdivision located in NW1/4 of Section 25, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located west of Haines Avenue, south of Disk Drive and north of Interstate 90.


Alcohol Licenses


91.              Walgreen Co. DBA Walgreens #09512, 1125 N LaCrosse Street for a Package (off-sale) Liquor


92.              Rapid City Area Chamber of Commerce DBA Rapid City Area Chamber of Commerce for a Special Event Wine and Malt Beverage License for an Event held on April 28, 2011 at Black Hills Community Bank, 840 Mount Rushmore Road.


93.              Rapid City Area Chamber of Commerce DBA Rapid City Area Chamber of Commerce for a Special Event Wine and Malt Beverage License for an Event held on May 19, 2011 at Dakota Craft, 2135 Dakota Craft Drive.


Assessment Rolls


94.              No. LF041311-03 – Approve Resolution No. 2011-033B Levying Assessment for Cleanup of Miscellaneous Property. 


Other Items Requiring Public Hearings






95.              Authorize the Mayor and Finance Officer to sign the waiver of right to protest a future assessment for the installation of curb, gutter, sidewalk, street light conduit, water and sewer along Green Tree Drive as they abut Lots 7 and 8 of Block 2 of Green Valley Estates, located in the SE1/4 of Section 23, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at 5811 Green Tree Drive. (11SV005)


96.              No. 11SV005 - A request by Fredrick and Arlene White for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to waive the requirement to provide pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk, street light conduit, water and sewer and to reduce the right-of-way width from 110 feet to 100 feet as per Chapter 16.16 of the Rapid City Municipal Code for proposed Lot 7R and Lot 8R of Block 2 of Green Valley Estates, legally described as Lots 7 and 8 of Block 2 of Green Valley Estates, located in the SE1/4 of Section 23, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at 5811 Green Tree Drive.


97.              Authorize the Mayor and Finance Officer to sign the waiver of right to protest a future assessment for the installation of curb, gutter, sidewalk, street light conduit, water and sewer along East Philadelphia Street as they abut NE1/4SW1/4 less Menard Subdivision and less right-of-way, Section 32, T2N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at the south side of East Anamosa Street southeast of the intersection East Anamosa Street and North Creek Drive. (11SV006)


98.              No. 11SV006 - A request by Sperlich Consulting, Inc. for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to allow platting half a right-of-way and to waive the requirement to install pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk, streetlight conduit, water and sewer as per Chapter 16.16 of the Rapid City Municipal Code for Lot 8 of Block 1 of Menard Subdivision, legally described as a portion of the NE1/4 of the SW1/4 of Section 32, and a portion of the NW1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 32 located in the NE1/4 of the SW1/4 and the NW1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 32, T2N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located on the south side of East Anamosa Street southeast of the intersection East Anamosa Street and North Creek Drive.



99.              No. CC041811-01 – Bill List for April 18, 2011


EXECUTIVE SESSION for the purposes permitted by SDCL 1-25-2