City of Rapid City, South Dakota
6:30 P.M., Monday, March 21, 2016
INVOCATION (You are welcome to participate, but not required)
1. Veteran of the Month, John Kuckenbecker, Ward 5
2. Presentation to the Mayor from Wiley Cress, with the US Submarine Veterans Polaris Base
GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT (3-minute time limit per speaker)
A time for the members of the public to discuss or express concerns to the Council on any issue not on the agenda. Action will not be taken at the meeting on any issue not on the agenda, except by placement on the agenda by unanimous vote of the Council members present.
Open Public Comment Items 3 37 (3-minute time limit per speaker)
Close Public Comment
Remove Items from the Consent Items and Vote on Remaining Consent Items
Approve Minutes
3. Approve Minutes for the March 7, 2016 Regular Council meeting.
Vacations of Right-Of-Way Set for Hearing (NONE)
Tax Increment Finance Set for Hearing (April 4, 2016)
4. No. 16TI001 - A request by Black Hills Corporation to consider an application for a Resolution to a Create Tax Increment District and a Resolution to Approve a Tax Increment District Project Plan for property generally described as being located southwest corner of the intersection of S. US Highway 16 and Catron Boulevard.
Alcoholic Beverage License Applications Set for Hearing (April 4, 2016)
5. Rapid City Area Chamber of Commerce for a SPECIAL EVENT Wine and Malt Beverage License for an Event Scheduled for April 12, 2016 at Great Western Bank, 14 St. Joseph Street
6. Rapid City Area Chamber of Commerce for a SPECIAL EVENT Wine and Malt Beverage License for an Event Scheduled for April 21, 2016 at Life Scape, 7110 Jordan Drive
7. Black Hills Playhouse for a SPECIAL EVENT Wine and Malt Beverage Licenses for Events Scheduled for April 5, 2016, April 23, 2016, May 6, 2016, May 13, 2016 and May 20, 2016 at Barefoot Dance Studio, 412 5th Street
Public Works Committee Consent Items
8. PW031516-01 Confirm the Reappointments of David Asbridge, Bob Brandt, Myron Tatum, Bill Rensch, Steve Struble, Steve Malone, Michelle Seaman, and Mark Thomas; and also Confirm the New Appointments of Jaime Stampe and Dale Schmidt to the Building Code Board of Appeals.
9. PW031516-02 Approve Change Order No. 2 to RCS Construction for North Rapid Booster Station Reconstruction, Project No. 13-2080 / CIP No. 50812.A, for an increase of $6,164.59.
10. PW031516-03 Approve Change Order No. 1 to Simon Contractors DBA Hills Materials Company for St Andrew and St Charles Street Sanitary Sewer and Water Reconstruction Project, Project No. 14-2168 / CIP No. 50959, for an increase of $17,214.44.
11. PW031516-04 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Amendment No. 2 to Banner Associates for East Rapid City Water Expansion, Project No. 13-2107/CIP No. 50964, to add additional Banner Staff resources to the project and Exhibit C. No cost change.
12. PW031516-05 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Assignment Agreement between the City of Rapid City and Dream Design International to Assign the Existing Contract to KTM Design Solutions for Rapid Valley Sanitary Sewer Bypass, Project No. 13-2076 / CIP No. 50911.
13. PW031516-06 Approve Request for Stormwater Drainage Utility Fee Abatement for Black Hills Workshop and Training Ctr for Tax ID 38687, $1,916.33 (2015), $1,916.33 (2016); and Black Hills Workshop Foundation Inc for Tax ID 45481, $1,113.71(2015), $1,113.71(2016); and Tax ID 45482, $742.99(2015), $742.99(2016).
14. PW031516-07 Request to Purchase Two (2) 4x4 Extended Cab Short Box Pickups using State Contract #16866 in the amount of $48,148.00.
Legal & Finance Committee Consent Items
15. No. LF031616-15 Confirm Appointments of Becky Drury and Betty Finley to the Rapid City Library Board of Trustees
16. No. LF031616-02 Resolution No. 2016-017 to Update Change Funds
17. No. LF0316-16-03 Resolution No. 2016-021A Fixing Time and Place for Hearing on Assessment Roll for Cleanup of Miscellaneous Property
18. No. LF031616-04 Resolution No. 2016-025 Writing Off Uncollectible Account Receivable Accounts (Parking Violations).
19. No. LF031616-05 Acknowledge January 2016 Sales Tax Report
20. No. LF031616-06 Acknowledge February 2016 General Fund Cash Balance Report
21. No. LF031616-07 Approve Request for Property Tax Abatement as Follows: David L. Brown, 2015, $242.82
22. Acknowledge the Following Volunteers for Worker's Compensation Purposes: C. Patrick Havener, Jamie Lowry, Willianto Kurniawan
23. No. LF031616-08 Approve Resolution No. 2016-026 to Amend the City of Rapid City Compensation Plan by Establishing the New Position of Solid Waste Mechanic III within Public Works.
24. No. LF031616-09 Approve FY2015 Community Development Block Grant Reallocation of Funds
25. No. LF031616-10 Authorize Submission of Historic Preservation Commission Certified Local Government Grant Application for 2016-2017 and Receipt of Funds Associated with the Grant.
26. No. LF031616-11 Approve request from Austin Konold and Colleen VanderMay to Authorize Serving and Consumption of Alcohol (Not Sale) at Wedding Dinner on Property Owned by the City at the Location Immediately East of Canyon Lake Resort on June 4, 2016 from 5:00 p.m. to Midnight.
27. No. CC032116-03 Approve Request from Doyle Estes to Have the Council Reconsider its Previous Decision to Not Allow Him or Any of His Entities from Posting Subdivision Surety.
28. Authorize staff to form a fireworks committee to determine the time and place for the fireworks display beginning in 2017.
29. No. LF031616-12 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Life Safety Loan Agreement with Ramada Inn in an Amount Not to Exceed $320,000 Contingent upon Receiving an Irrevocable Letter of Credit (to be approved by the City Attorney's Office).
CIP Committee Consent Items (NONE)
Community Planning & Development Services Department Consent Items
30. 16CA001 Approve an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to adopt the County Heights Drainage Basin Design Plan
Bid Award Consent Items
31. No. CC032116-02.1 Approve award of Total Bid for Tennis Courts and Play Courts Surfacing, Project No. PR16-6128 opened on March 15, 2016 to the lowest responsible bidder, Pro Track & Tennis, Inc. in the amount of $230,031.00
32. No. CC032116-02.2 Approve award of Total Bid for West Memorial Park Parking Lot Rehabilitation, Project No. 15-2312 / CIP No. 51107 opened on March 15, 2016 to the lowest responsible bidder, Complete Concrete, Inc. in the amount of $154,678.00.
33. No. CC032116-02.3 Approve award of Total Bid for Sports Complex Lighting - Electrical, Project No. 16-2321 / CIP No. 51110 opened on March 15, 2016 to the lowest responsible bidder, Muth Electric, Inc. in the amount of $150,783.00.
34. No. CC032116-02.4 Approve award of Total Bid for One (1) New Current Model Year Vacuum Street Sweeper, opened on March 15, 2016 to Sheehan Mack Sales & Equipment in the amount of $237,900.00.
35. No. CC032116-02.5 Approve award of Total Bid for One (1) New Current Model Year Single Axle Medium-Duty Dump Truck with Slide-in Sander and Optional Plow, opened on March 15, 2016 to Eddie's Truck Center in the amount of $157,575.00
36. No. CC032116-02.6 Approve award of Total Bid for One (1) New Current Model Year Tandem Axle Dump Truck with Slide-in Sander and Plow, opened on March 15, 2016 to Eddie's Truck Center in the amount of $153,824.00
37. No. CC032116-02.7 Approve award of Total Bid for One (1) New Current Model Year Single Axle Medium Duty Sander with Plow, opened on March 15, 2016 to Eddie's Truck Center in the amount of $114,920.00
Open Public Comment Items 38 - 51 (3-minute time limit per speaker)
Close Public Comment
38. No. LF030216-17 Second Reading, Ordinance No. 6102, An Ordinance Designating the Rapid City Fine Arts Council as the Entity Responsible for the Management and Coordination of Artistic Activities in the Area Commonly Known as Art Alley by Adding Section 2.80.060 to the Rapid City Municipal Code.
Recommendation: Approve (3-1)
39. No. 16RZ002 - First Reading, Ordinance 6095, An Ordinance Amending Section 17.06 of Chapter 17 of the Rapid City Municipal Code, a request by Sperlich Consulting, Inc for Scott and Janice Zandstra for a Rezoning from General Agricultural District to Low Density Residential District II for property generally described as being located north of the intersection of Gemstone Drive and Parkview Drive.
Recommendation: Approve
40. No. 16RZ003 - First Reading, Ordinance 6096, An Ordinance Amending Section 17.06 of Chapter 17 of the Rapid City Municipal Code, a request by Sperlich Consulting, Inc for Villaggio LLC for a Rezoning from General Agricultural District to Low Density Residential District for property generally described being located northeast of the intersection of Catron Boulevard and Vineyard Lane.
Recommendation: Approve
41. No. 16RZ004 - First Reading, Ordinance 6097, An Ordinance Amending Section 17.06 of Chapter 17 of the Rapid City Municipal Code, a request by Renner and Associates, LLC for a Rezoning from Low Density Residential District to Medium Density Residential District for property generally described as being located northeast corner of the intersection of 5th Street and Nebraska Street.
Recommendation: Approve
42. No. 16RZ005 - First Reading, Ordinance 6098, An Ordinance Amending Section 17.06 of Chapter 17 of the Rapid City Municipal Code, a request by Renner Associates, LLC for a Rezoning from Low Density Residential District to Medium Density Residential District for property generally described as being located south of Texas Street and north of Freedom Court. Recommendation: Approve
43. No. 16RZ006 - First Reading, Ordinance 6099, An Ordinance Amending Section 17.06 of Chapter 17 of the Rapid City Municipal Code, a request by KTM Design Solutions for Hagg Brothers LLC for a Rezoning from General Commercial District to Office Commercial District for property generally described as being located south of Moon Meadows Drive and east of Highway 16.
Recommendation: Approve in conjunction with the associated Initial Planned Development Overlay
44. No. 16OA001 - First Reading, Ordinance No. 6100, An Ordinance to Add Microbreweries as a Conditional Use in the Central Business District by Amending Section 17.16.030 of the Rapid City Municipal Code.
Recommendation: Approve
45. No. LF031616-13 First Reading, Ordinance No. 6101, An Ordinance to Codify the Process for Commercial Parking Permits by Adding Section 10.44 to the Rapid City Municipal Code.
Recommendation: Approve
Public Works Committee Items
46. PW031516-08 Adopt Water Reclamation Facility - Facility Plan dated February 16, 2016. Recommendation: Send to City Council for presentation and recommendation.
47. PW031516-09 Discussion and Direction on New Roof for the Minneluzahan Senior Center
Recommendation: Send to 3/21/16 City Council for discussion.
Legal & Finance Committee Items
48. No. LF031616-14 Request by First Nations Sculpture Garden Project for City Funding Recommendation: Take to 3/21/16 Council without recommendation.
CIP Committee Items (NONE)
Community Planning & Development Services Department Items
49. No. 15PL105 - A request by Sperlich Consulting, Inc for Dakota Heartland Inc. for a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for proposed Lots 2 thru 3 of Block 2 of Big Sky Business Park, generally described as being located south of existing intersection of Homestead Street and Timmons Boulevard.
Recommendation: Approve with Stipulations
50. No. 16PL011 - A request by Fisk Land Surveying and Consulting Engineers, Inc. for William Rensch for a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Lots A1 and A2 of East Ten Acres Subdivision, generally described as being located 3806 West Main Street.
Recommendation: Approve with Stipulations
51. No. 16PL012 - A request by Fisk Land Surveying and Consulting Engineers, Inc for Founders Park LLC for a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Lots 4, 5A and 5B of Founders Park Subdivision, generally described as being located west of Founders Park Drive.
Recommendation: Approve with Stipulations
Other Board, Commission & Committee Items
Alcoholic Beverage License Applications (NONE)
Special Event
Mayor's Items (NONE)
Council Items & Liaison Reports (NONE)
Reconsideration Notices
Motion for Delivery of Items from Committee
Staff Items
Planning Commission Appeals
License Appeals
Other Appeals Heard by the Council
Open Public Hearing (comment) - Items 52 - 56 (3-minute time limit per speaker)
[Public Hearing Remains Open]
Close Public Hearing (comment) - Items 52 - 56
Remove Items from the Consent Public Hearing Items and Vote on Remaining Consent Items
Community Planning & Development Services Department Items
Alcohol Licenses
52. Dadah Kids Corp. DBA Pauly's Pizzeria & Sub Co., 1624 E St Patrick Street #101 for a Retail (on-off sale) Wine License
53. Rapid City Central High School Baseball for a SPECIAL EVENT Malt Beverage License for an Event Scheduled for April 2, 2016 at RCPO T-OP Lodge 2, 3050 Eglin Street
Assessment Rolls
54. No. LF031616-01 Resolution No. 2016-007B Levying Assessment for Cleanup of Miscellaneous Property
55. No. 15RZ023 Second Reading, Ordinance 6089, An Ordinance Amending Section 17.06 of Chapter 17 of the Rapid City Municipal Code, Rezoning the within Described Property as requested by Renner and Associates, LLC for a Rezoning from General Agricultural District to Heavy Industrial District for property generally described as being located south of Elgin between East North Street and N. Elk Vale Rd.
56. No. 16TI002 - Section 26, T1N, R7E - A Request by KS West, LLC and SK East, LLC to Consider an Application for a Resolution Creating Buffalo Crossing Tax Increment District and Project Plan
57. No. CC032116-01 Bill List for March 21, 2016