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City of Rapid City, South Dakota
Tuesday, August 31, 2010; 12:30 p.m.


Roll Call and Determination of Quorum


Approve Minutes of August 10, 2010 


Adoption of the Agenda  


General Public Comment

A time for members of the public to discuss or express concerns to the Committee on any issue, not limited to items on the agenda. Action will not be taken at the meeting on any issue not on the agenda, except by placement on the agenda by unanimous vote of the Aldermen present.  




1)         PW081010-01 – Request for Reimbursement for Sewer Back Up Expenses – McCarthy Properties.  (Continued from the August 10, 2010, Public Works Committee Meeting)


2)         PW083110-01 – Request Wood Chips for Story Book Island Fundraising Event “Once Upon a Festival”.






3)         PW072710-01 – Surety and Warranty Tracking – Alderman Sam Kooiker.  (Continued from the July 27, 2010, Public Works Committee Meeting)


4)         PW083110-02 – Sidewalks on 38th Street – Alderman Aaron Costello.  (Continued from the July 27, 2010, Public Works Committee Meeting)


5)         PW083110-41 - Audit Plan – Alderman Jordan Mason.  (Continued from the August 10, 2010, Public Works Committee Meeting)


6)         PW083110-42 - Status of Growth Management Report – Alderman Sam Kooiker and Alderman Jordan Mason.


7)         PW083110-03 – Condition of E Quincy Street east of East Boulevard – Sam Kooiker. 


8)         PW083110-04 – Sidewalks on Deadwood Avenue – Alderman Aaron Costello. 


9)         PW083110-34 – Authorize staff to Solicit Proposals for Brokerage Services of Recyclable Materials – Recycling/Solid Waste Committee.




10)      PW081010-03 – Policy Regarding Land Transfers.  (Continued from the August 10, 2010, Public Works Committee Meeting)


11)      PW083110-05 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign a Drainage and Access Easement Agreement between the City of Rapid City and the Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society for the property generally located east of City Springs Road to the west of Sturgis Road and to the south of St. Martins Drive, located in the SE1/4, NE1/4 and in the NW1/4, SE1/4, and the SW1/4, SE1/4 all of Section 29, T2N, R7E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota. 


12)      PW083110-06 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign a Reservoir Access and Utility Easement Agreement between the City of Rapid City and the Benedictine Convent of Saint Martins for the property generally located south and west of City Springs Road, located in the S1/2 of Section 29, T2N, R7E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota.


13)      PW083110-07 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign a Reservoir Access and Utility Easement Agreement between the City of Rapid City and the Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society for the property generally located north of the terminus of City Springs Road to the west of Sturgis Road and to the south and east of St. Martins Drive, located in the SW1/4 of Section 29, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota.


14)      PW083110-08 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign a Drainage and Access Easement Agreement between the City of Rapid City and SM Properties LLC for the property generally located north of Saint Martins Drive, located in the NW1/4 of NE1/4 of Section 29, T2N, R7E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota. 


15)      PW083110-35 – Sign encroachments into the Right-of-Way – Imperial Hotel Sign at 100 St. Joseph Street.




16)      PW083110-09 – Change Order No. 2F to J&J Asphalt Company for Street Rehabilitation – Arrow Street, Farlow Street & Culvert Street, Project No. ST10-1854 / CIP No. 50549, for an increase of $1,017.65.


17)      PW083110-10 – Change Order No. 4F to Rangel Construction Company LLC for Fire Station #7, Project No. FD10-1767, for an increase of $4,870.05.


18)      PW083110-11 – Change Order No. 1F to Stanley J Johnsen Concrete Contractor Inc. for Jackson Boulevard Joint Sealing and Panel Repair, Project No. ST10-1871 / CIP No. 50445, for a decrease of $11,450.00.


19)      PW083110-12 – Change Order No. 1 to Simon Contractors of SD, Inc. for West Chicago Area Water Main Reconstruction, Project No. W08-1763 / CIP No. 50282, for an increase of $5,380.00.


20)      PW083110-14 – Change Order No. 1F to Highmark, Inc. for 9th Street Watermain, Project No. W10-1885 / CIP No. 50815, for an increase of $417.20.




21)      PW083110-15 – Fire Hydrant Installation – 2010 Annual Project, Project No. W10-1875 / CIP No. 50808.  Estimated cost:  $25,000.00.


22)      PW083110-16 – Saint Patrick Street Siphon Odor Control Facility, Project No. SS09-1825 / CIP No. 50774.  Estimated cost:  $375,000.00.


23)      PW083110-17 – 2010 Out of the Dust Project, Project No. ST10-1897 / CIP No. 50297.  Estimated cost:  $40,000.00.


24)      PW083110-18 – Catron Boulevard Reconstruction Utility Relocation and Modification, Project No. SS09-1819 / CIP No. 50495.  Estimated cost:  $1,550,000.00.


25)      PW083110-19 – Main Street Square Site Development, Project No. PR10-1901 / CIP No. 50839.


26)      PW083110-39 – Omaha Pedestrian Crossing Relocation, Project No. ST10-1865 / CIP No. 50807.  Estimated cost:  $185,000.00.




27)      PW083110-20Amendment No. 2 to Agreement Number 612978 Financial and Road Transfer Agreement Between State of South Dakota and City of Rapid City, for the purpose of funding transportation improvements and transferring segments of roads between the State of South Dakota and the City of Rapid City.


28)      PW083110-21 – Covenant Agreement Between City of Rapid City and Cortez, LLC to allow the continued use of a sub-grade encroachment into the adjacent public right of way.  Downtown Improvement Project – 6th Street from Kansas City Street to Omaha Street, Project No. ST10-1817 / CIP No. 50138.


29)      PW083110-22 – Covenant Agreement Between City of Rapid City and Braun’s Apparel, Inc. to allow the continued use of a sub-grade encroachment into the adjacent public right of way.  Downtown Improvement Project – 6th Street from Kansas City Street to Omaha Street, Project No. ST10-1817 / CIP No. 50138.


30)      PW083110-23 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Professional Services Agreement with Stanley Consultants, Inc. for the Water Reservoirs Maintenance Project; Project No. W10-1879/CIP No. 50804 for the amount of $81,200.00.


31)      PW083110-24 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Professional Services Agreement with Baffuto Architecturra for the Meadowbrook Golf Course Maintenance Building, Project No. PR10-1902 / CIP No. 50841, in the amount of $69,100.00.


32)      PW083110-25 – Right-Of-Way Permit/Easement Agreement Between the City of Rapid City and Black Hills Power, Inc. for Lot 6-6A, Lots 7A and 8A of Lots 7 and 8, and Lot 5 of the Revised Plat of Camp Dakota, Section 18, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota.     




33)      PW083110-26 – Approve Construction Fee Resolution #2010-103 for Eglin Street Realignment Sewer Main Reconstruction.


34)      PW083110-27 – Approve Construction Fee Resolution #2010-104 for Copperfield Vistas Subdivision Sanitary Sewer.


35)      PW083110-28 – Approve Construction Fee Resolution #2010-105 for Dakota Craft Water Main Extension.


36)      PW083110-29 – Approve Construction Fee Resolution #2010-106 for Sixth Street Water Main.


37)      PW083110-30 – Approve Construction Fee Resolution #2010-107 for Mall Drive Water Transmission Main Oversize.


38)      PW083110-31 – Approve Construction Fee Resolution #2010-108 for Mall Drive Water Transmission Main Frontage.


39)      PW083110-32 – Approve Resolution #2010-115 Establishing Time and Place for Hearing on Final Assessment Roll for the E. St. Patrick Street Sidewalk Project, Project No. MIP09-1805.


40)      PW083110-33 – Request by THF Realty to Install and Maintain Decorative Street Lighting on Stumer Road from 5th Street to Black Hills Boulevard. 




41)      PW083110-36 – Central High School Parking – Phase II Request for Determination


42)      No. 10FV010 - Chapel Valley Subdivision – A request by Bart and Mary Swanson to consider an application for a Fence Height Exception to allow a six foot fence in lieu of a four foot fence in the front yard setback on Lot D of Lot 10 of Block 1 of Chapel Valley Subdivision, Section 17, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located at 4519 Steamboat Circle.


43)      No. 10FV011 - Eastridge Estates Subdivision – A request by Wolverton & Associates and Law Kingdon Architecture for THF Stoneridge Development, LLC to consider an application for a Fence Height Exception to allow a maximum 16 foot fence in lieu of an 8 foot fence in the General Commercial Zoning District on a portion of the S½ of the NE¼, Section 24, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, More fully described as follows: Commencing at southeasterly corner of Lot 21 of Block 4 Eastridge Estates Subdivision, common to the southwesterly corner of  Lot 4 of Block 2 of Fifth Street Office Plaza, thence S89º37’17”E, along the southerly boundary of said Lot 4 of Block 2, a distance of 134.82 feet, and the point of beginning; Thence first course: S89º37’17”E, along the southerly boundary of said Lot 4 of Block 2,  a distance of 233.03 feet, to the southeasterly corner of said Lot 4 of Block 2, common to the southwesterly corner of Lot 3 of Block 2 of Fifth Street Office Plaza; Thence second course: S81º56’11”E, along the southerly boundary of said Lot 3 of Block 2,  a distance of 205.60 feet, to the southeasterly corner of said Lot 3 of Block 2, common to the southwesterly corner of Lot 2 of Block 2 of Fifth Street Office Plaza; Thence third course: S81º55’52”E, along the southerly boundary of said Lot 2 of Block 2, a distance of 60.98 feet, to a corner on the southerly boundary of said Lot 2 of Block 2; Thence fourth course: S72º01’35”E, along the southerly boundary of said Lot 2 of Block 2, a distance of 161.84 feet, to the southeasterly corner of said Lot 2 of Block 2; Thence fifth course: S77º25’15”E a distance of 217.74 feet; Thence sixth course: N27º30’18”E, a distance of 281.17 feet, to a point on the westerly edge of Fifth Street right-of-way, common to a point on the northerly boundary of Lot 1 of Block 2 of Fifth Street Office Plaza; Thence seventh course: S62º29’41”E, along the westerly edge of said Fifth Street right-of-way, common  to the northerly boundary of said Lot 1 of Block 2, a distance of 279.03 feet, to the northeasterly corner of said Lot 1 of Block 2; Thence eighth course: S62º29’05”E, along the westerly edge of said Fifth Street right-of-way, a distance of 134.83 feet; Thence ninth course: curving to the right, along the westerly edge of said Fifth Street right-of-way, on a curve with a radius of 909.00 feet, a delta angle of 14º12’45”, a length of 225.48 feet, a chord bearing of S55º23’16”E, and chord distance of 224.91 feet; Thence tenth course: S42º58’26”W, along the westerly edge of said Fifth Street right-of-way, a distance of 12.00 feet; Thence eleventh course: S42º54’18”W, a distance of 296.40feet; Thence twelfth course: S45º50’37”E, a distance of 81.18 feet; Thence thirteenth course: S00º18’52”W, a distance of 297.86 feet, to a point on the northerly edge of Stumer Road right-of-way; Thence fourteenth course: curving to the left, along the northerly edge of said Stumer Road right-of-way, on a curve with a radius of 430.50 feet, a delta angle of 12º59’30”, a length of 97.62 feet, a chord bearing of S53º34’37”W, and chord distance of 97.41 feet; Thence fifteenth course: curving to the right, along the northerly edge of said Stumer Road right-of-way, on a curve with a radius of 369.50 feet, a delta angle of 43º15’37”, a length of 278.99 feet, a chord bearing of S68º41’45”W, and chord distance of 272.41 feet; Thence sixteenth course: N89º40’48”W, along the northerly edge of said Stumer Road right-of-way, a distance of 730.69 feet; Thence seventeenth course: curving to the right, along the northerly edge of said Stumer Road right-of-way, on a curve with a radius of 369.50 feet, a delta angle of 30º00’38”, a length of 193.54 feet, a chord bearing of N74º39’10”W, and chord distance of 191.33 feet; Thence eighteenth course:  N59º42’02”W, along the northerly edge of said Stumer Road right-of-way, a distance of 351.37 feet; Thence nineteenth course: N12º34’45”E, a distance of 728.41 feet, to the point of beginning, more generally described as being located at Stumer Road and Black Hills Boulevard.


44)      10TP023 – 2011-2015 Rapid City Area Transportation Improvement Program – Final Report.


45)      PW083110-37 – Casino buffer zones for Residential Neighborhoods.


46)      PW0831110-38 – Amendment to Ordinance 2.60.160 (E) and (F) and Related City Policies to Require Sign Posting and Notices for Comprehensive Plan Amendments.






47)      PW083110-40 – Paving of Alley in the 200 Block of East Saint Francis Street – Alderman Jordan Mason.  (Continued from the August 10, 2010, Public Works Committee Meeting)