ADA Compliance: The City of Rapid City fully subscribes to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you desire to attend this public meeting and are in need of special accommodations, please notify Community Planning and Development Services 24 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate auxiliary aids and services are available.
Friday, May 2, 2014 7:30 A.M. – 9:00 A.M.
Rapid City Council Chambers
City/School Administration Complex
300 Sixth Street
Call To Order
Approval of Meeting Agenda
11.1 Reviews
Applicant: Bill Werner/RC Regional Hospital
District: W. Boulevard Historic District – Non Contributing
Request: Replace damaged copper parapet with metal to match existing patina.
Applicant: Shannon Caperton & Kristi Barber
District: West Boulevard Historic District – Non-historic structures in Wilson Park
Request: Demolish and rebuild the two pergolas south of the Loaf N’ Jug in Wilson Park to match existing.
3. 402 Saint Joseph Street (14CM007)
Applicant: Peter Anderson
District: Individually Listed Property – Motor Service Company
Request: Remodel existing building
1. Add offices in back 4,300 sq ft of building in old garage – per plans in application
2. Remodel the front 2,700 sq ft with offices
3. All new electrical, plumbing and HVAC throughout
4. New windows east elevation to match existing, including garage doors
5. New exit door on north elevation at alley (Hollow metal door/hardware)
6. Repair existing window on west elevation on the south end
7. Reuse existing doors where possible
8. Replicate trim and baseboard detail and materials in new offices in front to match historic.
9. Fill in back “pit” and level floor.
10. Replace concrete along 4th street Right-Of-Way
Applicant: Walter Albasi
District: Downtown Commercial District – Contributing
Request: Approve materials and restoration of windows and doors at 406 5th Street per exhibits 1 – 5, and the façade and grain tower treatments per exhibit 6.
1. View A: Window by Grace Restorations to fit 8’x8’ opening (exhibit 1); door by Grace Restorations (exhibit 2); double door by Grace Restorations to fit existing garage door opening (exhibit 3).
2. View B: Window by Grace Restorations to fit 8’x8’ opening (exhibit 1)
3. View C: Window by Grace Restorations to fit 8’x8’ opening (exhibit 1); door by Grace Restoration (exhibit 2); Restore three existing windows
4. View D: Window by Grace Restorations to fit 8’x8’ opening (exhibit 1); (4) Windows by Grace Restoration that extend the existing openings (exhibit 4); restore the existing door.
5. Restore existing loading dock doors (exhibit 5)
6. Non original new brick painted to match existing pattern (exhibit 6)
7. Pressure wash the tower to expose original galvanized steel (exhibit 6)
Approval of Minutes
1. Approval of the April 22, 2014 meeting minutes
Treasurer’s Report
1. Budget Information – February 28, 2014
New Business
1. Discuss certified mailing for property owners
2. Discuss continuing education courses/lecture series
Subcommittees Updates
1. Website Freytag
2. Design Guidelines Subcommittee Monroe
SHPO Summary Report
SHPO concurred with the findings from the April 22, 2014 HPC meeting.