402 St. Joseph Street (14CM007)
Applicant:  Peter Anderson

Individually Listed Property - Motor Service Company

Request:  Remodel existing building. 1) Add offices in back 4,300 sq. ft. of building in old garage - per plans in application. 2) Remodel the front 2,700 sq ft with offices. 3) All new electrical, plumbing and HVAC throughout. 4) New windows east elevation to match existing, including garage doors. 5) New exit door on north elevation at alley (Hollow metal door/hardware). 6) Repair existing window on west elevation on the south end. 7) Reuse existing doors where possible. 8) Replicate trim and baseboard detail and materials in new offices in front to match historic. 9) Fill in back "pit" and level floor. 10) Replace concrete along 4th Street right-of-way.


Application - Photographs - Drawings - Historic Inventory - Aerial Map