No. 02PL061 - Rimrock Ranch Subdivision
A request by Fisk Land Surveying & Consulting Eng. for Thomas Lee to consider an application for a Preliminary and Final Plat on Lots 2A and 2B of Lot 2 of Rimrock Ranch Subdivision, located in the NE1/4 of the NE1/4 and the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 13, T1N, R6E, BHM, Pennington County, legally described as Lot 2 of Rimrock Ranch Subdivision, located in the NE1/4 of the NE1/4 and the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 13, T1N, R6E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located 6905 West Highway 44.

Planning Commission recommended that the Preliminary and Final Plat be approved with the following stipulations:

Engineering Division Recommendations:


Prior to City Council approval of the Preliminary Plat, the location of existing and/or proposed well(s) within 150 feet of the existing and/or proposed on-site wastewater systems shall be submitted for review and approval;


Prior to City Council approval of the Preliminary Plat, road construction plans for the 40 foot wide access easement and the common access easement shall be submitted for review and approval;


Prior to City Council approval of the Final Plat, the 40 foot wide access easement and the common access easement shall be constructed in compliance with Section 16.20.040 of the Rapid City Municipal Code or a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations shall be obtained;


Prior to City Council approval of the Final Plat, the plat shall be revised to show a drainfield easement for the existing drainfield located on proposed Lot 2B;

Fire Department Recommendations:


Prior to City Council approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall work with the Fire Department to develop and implement a Fire Mitigation Plan;


The Uniform Fire Code shall be continually met;

Urban Planning Division Recommendations:


Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council, a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations shall be obtained to allow a lot length greater than twice the lot width or the plat shall be revised to comply with the length to width requirement;


Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council, a subdivision estimate form shall be submitted for review and approval; and,


Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council, surety for any required subdivision improvements that have not been completed shall be posted and the subdivision inspection fees shall be paid.

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