Staff Report Vicinity Map Aerial Photograph Plat

No. 01SV025 - Buffalo Ridge Subdivision
A request by Ron & Mary Ann Davis to consider an application for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to waive the requirement for curb, gutter, sidewalk, street light conduit, water and sewer for Reservoir Road on Lots 1 thru 18 of Buffalo Ridge Subdivision formerly: unplatted all located in: NW1/4 NW1/4 of Section 11, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located 800 feet south of the intersection of Twighlight Drive and Reservoir Road.

Staff recommends that the Variance to the Subdivision Regulations be continued to the November 19, 2001 City Council meeting as the stipulations of approval have not been met.

Planning Commission recommended that the Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to waive the requirement for curb, gutter, sidewalk, street light conduit, water and sewer for Reservoir Road be approved with the following stipulations:

Engineering Division Recommendation:

  1. Prior to City Council approval, a waiver of right to protest an assessment district for the remaining improvements for Reservoir Road for Lots 1 thru 18, Buffalo Ridge Subdivision shall be signed; and,

Pennington County Highway Department Recommendation:

  1. Prior to City Council approval, the applicant shall enter into an agreement guaranteeing payment to Pennington County for the cost of the Pennington County Highway Department’s improvement of Reservoir Road for that portion of the road that abuts the subject property.

Vote: (7 to 0)