April 23, 2014
M E M O R A N D U M . . .
TO: City Council Members and News Media
FROM: Sharlene Mitchell , Administrative Coordinator
SUBJECT: City Council Education Session/Retreat
Members of the Rapid City Council will gather informally, Monday, April 28, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City/School Administration Complex, 300 Sixth Street for the purpose of gathering information on the Rapid City Civic Center Arena project including: history of the original Civic Center project, history of the Civic Center budget revenues and expenditures, history of the 2012/Vision Fund, impact on other community expenditures and funding options. No formal action will be taken by members of the City Council.
Questions about this informal gathering may be directed to the Mayor's Office at 394-4110.
Memorandum from Mayor Kooiker
Presentations from 4/28/14 Council Retreat
Rushmore Plaza Civic Center
Debt Limit
Debt Retirment
Sales Tax History
Future Projections