Agenda Item Summary


Meeting Date: 12/5/2013

Planning Commission: 12/5/2013

Staff Contact: Fletcher Lacock, Current Planner II

PW Committee or L&F Committee: N/A

Petitioner: NWE Management Company for Autumn Hills Property LLC and Stoney Creek Plaza LLC

City Council 1st Reading:

Location: 5734 Sheridan Lake Road, Suites 202 and 203

City Council 2nd Reading: N/A

Agenda Title:

13PD045 - Major Amendment to a Planned Development to allow an on-sale liquor establishment in conjunction with a restaurant


Click here to enter text.The applicant has submitted a Major Amendment to a Planned Development to allow an on-sale liquor establishment in conjunction with a restaurant.  In particular, the applicant is proposing to open a small casual neighborhood restaurant with approximately 40 seats.  In addition, the applicant is proposing to expand the boundary of the Planned Development to include Lot 1B where the applicant is proposing to construct 58 parking spaces.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):



Action: Approve with Stipulations

Notes: Click here to enter text.



Attachments & Links:

Staff Report

Legal Description

Zoning Map

Aerial Photograph

Letter of Intent

Site Plan

Site Plan 2

Floor Plan