09EX110 - Request for Exception to Section 8.2.1(H) of the General Requirements for Driveways from the City of Rapid City Street Design Criteria Manual, to allow three driveways to a business establishment for Steele Plaza on Lot 8 Less Lot 8A & Lot 11 Less Lot 11a of Tract D; Lot 12 Less Lot A But Including Lot B of Lot 12 of Tract D Sunnyvale located at 3618 Canyon Lake Drive

Public Works Committee recommended that the Request for Exception to Section 8.2.1(H) of the General Requirements for Driveways from the City of Rapid City Street Design Criteria Manual, to allow three driveways to a business establishment for Steele Plaza on Lot 8 Less Lot 8A & Lot 11 Less Lot 11a of Tract D; Lot 12 Less Lot A But Including Lot B of Lot 12 of Tract D Sunnyvale located at 3618 Canyon Lake Drive be denied.