Staff Report Vicinity Map Aerial Photograph Public Comment Elevation Floor Plan Existing Site Plan Proposed Site Plan

No. 01PD007 - Hughes Tract (Section 9, T1N, R7E)
A request by Canyon Lake Park, LLC to consider an application for a Planned Commercial Development - Initial and Final Development Plan on the south half (S1/2) of Lot C and the west 165 feet of the east 495 feet of Lot A of Lot Two (2) in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE1/4 NW1/4) of Section Nine (9) in Township 1 North of Range 7 East of the Black Hills Meridian (said Lot Two (2) sometimes referred to as the Hughes Tract) in the City of Rapid City; together with an easement for ingress, egress and parking on Lot One (1) of Lot D and on Lot One (1) of Lot Three (3) of Lot A, both in Lot Two (2) in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE1/4 NW1/4) of Section Nine (9) in Township 1 North of Range 7 East of the Black Hills Meridian (said Lot Two (2) sometimes referred to as the Hughes Tract) in the City of Rapid City, as set forth in instrument recorded March 21, 1988, in Book 33 of Misc. records on Page 7730 in the office of the Register of Deeds, Pennington County, South Dakota; and the east 125 feet of north 125 feet of Lot C of Lot Two (2) of Hughes Tract located in Section 9, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located at 4020 Jackson Boulevard.

Staff recommends that the Planned Commercial Development - Initial and Final Development Plan be continued to the May 21, 2001 City Council meeting as all of the stipulations of approval have not been met. 

Planning Commission recommended that the Planned Commercial Development - Initial and Final Development Plan be approved with the following stipulations:

Engineering Division Recommendations:

  1. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide additional topographic information and grading plans for review and approval;

  2. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide revised drainage plans identifying that site drainage does not flow directly into Jackson Boulevard for review and approval;

  3. No access shall be allowed onto Lakeview Drive;

Fire Department Recommendations:

  1. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide the location of all fire hydrants within five-hundred feet of the property;

  2. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a site plan indicating that all access and circulation shall meet minimum turning widths for Fire Department apparatus including the ladder truck;

  3. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide the design of the parking lot gate for review and approval;

Air Quality Division Recommendations:

  1. If more than one acre of land shall be disturbed by construction, an air quality permit shall be obtained prior to issuance of grading permit or a building permit

Urban Planning Division Recommendations:

  1. That the landscape buffer along Lakeview Drive shall have a minimum of seven large trees and an additional 7,500 points of landscape material shall be provided in the form of shrubs;

  2. Prior to City Council approval, the applicant shall provide a sign package for review and approval. The Planning Director may allow alterations from the approved sign package if the signs are consistent with the overall design of the sign package. The existing off-premise signs shall be allowed. No additional square footage for the sign shall be allowed and the height of the sign shall not increase;

  3. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide a lighting package for review and approval;

  4. That a six foot high wood fence shall be installed on the east, west and north side of the north parking lot. The finished side of the fence shall face out. Prior to the construction of the fence, the applicant shall obtain a variance to the fence height regulations to allow a six foot fence within fifteen feet of Lakeview Drive;

  5. All construction traffic shall be restricted to Jackson Boulevard. No traffic from either the demolition of the residences or construction of the building and parking lot shall be allowed on Lakeview Drive;

  6. Prior to City Council approval, the applicant shall submit revised floor plans identifying a maximum of 18,450 square feet of office area and 6,780 square feet of storage area or otherwise document compliance with the minimum off-street parking requirements;

  7. That all parking shall continually meet the requirements of the Parking Regulations;

  8. Prior to City Council approval, the applicant shall provide documentation on the specific uses of the building; and,

  9. That all landscaping shall continually meet the requirements of the Landscape Regulations. 

Vote: (4 to 3)