Special Council Agenda |
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Special Meeting
City of Rapid City
June 13, 2001 – 1:15 P.M.
1. No. PW053001-02 - Bid Award: North Middle School Outdoor Recreation Improvements Project CDBG01-1057
2. No. CC061301-01 - Bid Award: Wildwood Street and Utilities Construction Project WSS00-943
3. No. CC061301-02 - Bid Award: Hawthorne Avenue Street and Utilities Reconstruction Project, Phase One, No SS98-806
4. No. CC061301-03 - Bid Award: Police Vehicles – Sedans
5. No. CC060401-03 - Second Reading, Ordinance 3682 entitled An Ordinance Amending Section 13.08.370 of the Rapid City Municipal Code City of Rapid City Relating to the Sewer Service System
6. No. CC061301-04 - Travel Request for Terri Davis and Greta Chapman to attend the American Library Association Annual Conference in San Francisco, CA, June 16-20, 2001, at an approximate cost of $3,800.
7. Executive Session – Pending Litigation