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City of Rapid City, South Dakota
12:30 P.M., Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
Adoption of the Agenda
General Public Comment
A time for members of the public to discuss or express concerns to the Committee on any issue, not limited to items on the agenda. Action will not be taken at the meeting on any issue not on the agenda, except by placement on the agenda by unanimous vote of the Aldermen present.
CONSENT ITEMS -- Items 1 – 12
Public Comment opened – Items 1 – 12
Public Comment closed
Remove Items from the “Consent Items” and Vote on Remaining Consent Items
Approve Minutes
1) Approve Minutes of July 28, 2015.
Approve Change Order
2) PW081115-01 – Change Order #5 to SECO Construction, Inc. for Utility Maintenance Facility, Project# 13-2120 / CIP 50870 for an increase of $13,387.00.
3) PW081115-02 – Change Order #1F to Stanley J Johnsen Concrete Contractor for Maple Avenue and Disk Drive Intersection Reconstruction, Project No. 14-2169 / CIP 51024 for an increase of $5,305.20.
Authorize Staff To Advertise For Bids
4) PW081115-03 – Meade Channel Rehab Project, Project No.15-2255 / CIP No. 51051. Estimated Cost: $200,000.00.
5) PW081115-04 – National Street Storm Sewer Improvements Project, Project No.15-2272 / CIP No. 51068. Estimated Cost: $100,000.00.
Authorize Mayor And Finance Officer To Sign
6) PW081115-05 – Agreement between the City of Rapid City and Harold F. Flack and Arlene M. Flack for H Lot and Temporary Construction Easement for the City project known as the Dyess Avenue Reconstruction and Downstream Drainage Channel Improvements, Project No. 12-2032 / CIP 50934 in the amount of $24,335.23.
7) PW081115-06 – Agreement between the City of Rapid City and Harold F. Flack and Arlene M. Flack for H Lot and Temporary Construction Easement for the City project known as the Dyess Avenue Reconstruction and Downstream Drainage Channel Improvements, Project No. 12-2032 / CIP 50934 in the amount of $12,161.29.
8) PW081115-07 – Agreement between the City of Rapid City and Gerold H. Wagner and Sandra K. Wagner for H Lot and Temporary Construction Easement for the City project known as the Dyess Avenue Reconstruction and Downstream Drainage Channel Improvements, Project No. 12-2032 / CIP 50934 in the amount of $132,804.47.
9) PW081115-08 – Agreement between the City of Rapid City and Tescher Development Group LLC, for Homestead Street 12” Water Main Oversize Cost Reimbursement, not to exceed $27,445.42.
Engineering Services
10) PW081115-09 – Approve Funding Reallocation for an Agreement with Sperlich Consulting for St Andrew and St Charles Street Sanitary Sewer and Water Extension and Reconstruction, Project No. 14-2168 / CIP No. 50959.
11) PW081115-10 – Approve Resolution No. 2015-082 entitled A Resolution of Intent to Enter Into Lease of Land with the Rapid City Club for Boys, Pursuant to SDCL 9-12-5.2.
12) 15TP025 – Approve the 2016-2019 Rapid City Area Transportation Improvement Program - Final Report