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City of Rapid City, South Dakota
12:30 P.M., Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
Adoption of the Agenda
General Public Comment
A time for members of the public to discuss or express concerns to the Committee on any issue, not limited to items on the agenda. Action will not be taken at the meeting on any issue not on the agenda, except by placement on the agenda by unanimous vote of the Aldermen present.
CONSENT ITEMS -- Items 1 – 26
Public Comment opened – Items 1 – 26
Public Comment closed
Remove Items from the “Consent Items” and Vote on Remaining Consent Items
Approve Minutes
1) Approve Minutes of June 9, 2015.
Approve Change Order
2) PW063015-01 – Change Order No. 1F to Heavy Constructors for Water Main Crossing of Rapid Creek, Project No. 04-1241 / CIP No. 50309, for an increase of $2,310.18.
3) PW063015-02 – Change Order No. 2F to Heavy Constructors for Omaha Street / West Boulevard Intersection Utilities, Project No. 14-2097 / CIP No. 50955, for a decrease of $16,863.44.
4) PW063015-03 – Change Order No. 1F to J&J Asphalt for Eglin Street Overlay Project, Project No. 14-2216 / CIP No. 50798, for a decrease of $2,031.28.
5) PW063015-04 – Change Order No. 1 to Reede Construction for Mt Rushmore Road Utility Reconstruction – Tower Road to Flormann Street, Project No. 11-1926 / CIP No. 50840, for an increase of $12,797.19.
6) PW063015-05 – Change Order No. 7 to Scull Construction Service Inc. for Canyon Lake Dam Reconstruction, Project No. 08-1743 / CIP No. 50739, for a decrease of $719,551.59.
7) PW063015-06 – Change Order No. 8 to Scull Construction Service Inc. for Canyon Lake Dam Reconstruction, Project No. 08-1743 / CIP No. 50739, for an increase of $49,890.24.
8) PW063015-07– Change Order No. 9 to Scull Construction Service Inc. for Canyon Lake Dam Reconstruction, Project No. 08-1743 / CIP No. 50739, for an increase of $3,379.69.
9) PW063015-08 – Change Order No. 1 to RCS Construction for North Rapid Booster Pump Station, Project No. 13-2080 / CIP No. 50812.A, for a decrease of $143,760.16.
10) PW063015-09 – Change Order No. 1 to Mainline Contracting for Nordby Lane Reconstruction, Project No. 14-2175 / CIP No. 50803, for an increase of $3,541.61.
Authorize Staff To Advertise For Bids
11) PW063015-10 – Pavement Rehabilitation Project – Kansas City Street and Quincy Street, Project No. 15-2256 / CIP No. 50445. Estimated Cost: $175,000.00.
12) PW063015-11 – Canyon Lake Sediment Removal, Project No. 15-2273 / CIP No. 51091.1. Estimated Cost: $200,000.00.
13) PW063015-12 – Canyon Lake Sediment Trucking and Disposal, Project No. 15-2274 / CIP No. 51091.2. Estimated Cost: $175,000.00.
14) PW063015-13 – Concrete Panel Repair Project, Project No. 13-2131 / CIP No. 50445. Estimated Cost: $100,000.00.
15) PW063015-14 – 2015 Bridge Maintenance Project, Project No. 15-2262 / CIP No. 50752. Estimated Cost: $150,000.00.
Authorize Mayor And Finance Officer To Sign
16) PW063015-15 – Maintenance, Encroachment, and Financial Agreement between the Department of Transportation and City of Rapid City for the Silver Street Interchange Reconstruction Project, Project No. 12-2053 / CIP No. 50940, SDDOT Project IM 1902(61)0 PCN 1162.
17) PW063015-16 – Agreement between the City of Rapid City and Ferber Engineering Company, Inc. for 38th Street Reconstruction – Phase 1, Project No. 15-2232 / CIP No. 50716.1 and 38th Street Reconstruction – Phase 2, Project No. 15-2233 / CIP No. 50716.2 in the amount of $270,795.00.
18) PW063015-17 – Water Service Agreement between the City of Rapid City and Red Rocks Golf Club, LLC.
Solid Waste Division
19) PW063015-18 – Authorize Staff to Purchase Two Skid Loaders (Caterpillar Model 262D) in the amount of $102,000.00 using National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Contract IFB#060311.
20) PW063015-19 – Authorize Staff to Purchase One End Loader (Caterpillar Model 950M) in the amount of $273,500.00 using National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Contract IFB#060311.
21) PW063015-20 – Authorize Staff to Purchase One End Loader (Caterpillar Model 966M) in the amount of $374,750.00 using National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Contract IFB#060311.
Water Reclamation Division
22) PW063015-24 – Approve Resolution 2015-074 to Declare an Emergency to Authorize Rapid Creek Bank Stabilization at the Water Reclamation Facility.
23) PW063015-21 – Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Real Property Purchase Agreement Between City of Rapid City and Larry and Carol Thompson, and to sign resulting Plat documents and required applications for planning review.
24) 15VR003 – C2B Addition - Approve a request by Ferber Engineering Company for Black Hills Corporation for a Vacation of Right-of-Way for property described as being located in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Catron Boulevard and Les Hollers Way.
25) 15TP021 – Acknowledge the Walk Audit Report.
26) 15TP018 – Approve the 2016-2019 Transportation Improvement Program – Draft.
NON-CONSENT ITEMS – Items 27 – 28
Public Comment opened – Items 27 – 28
Public Comment closed
27) PW063015-22 – Standing Committee on Sustainability Annual Report – Eirik Heikes, Chairman.
Engineering Services
28) PW060915-19 – Approve with staff stipulations the Exception Request to waive the requirement to construct a portion of Golden Eagle Drive as it abuts proposed Tract 1 of Copper Ridge Subdivision. (Continued from the June 15, 2015, City Council meeting)