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City of Rapid City, South Dakota
Tuesday, December 30, 2014; 12:30 p.m.
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
Adoption of the Agenda
General Public Comment
A time for members of the public to discuss or express concerns to the Committee on any issue, not limited to items on the agenda. Action will not be taken at the meeting on any issue not on the agenda, except by placement on the agenda by unanimous vote of the Aldermen present.
CONSENT ITEMS -- Items 1 – 15
Public Comment opened – Items 1 – 15
Public Comment closed
Remove Items from the “Consent Items” and Vote on Remaining Consent Items
Approve Minutes
1) PW123014-01 – Approve Minutes of December 9, 2014.
2) PW123014-02 – Confirm the Reappointment of Peter Neumann and New Appointments of Erik Braun, Linda Marchand and Karen Bulman to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
3) PW123014-03 – Confirm the appointment of David Johnson to the Standing Committee on Sustainability.
Bid Award
4) PW123014-04 – Approve Award of Total Bid for the 2013 Storm Damage Recovery Project – Skylight Replacement, Project No. 14-2220 / CIP No. 50903 opened on December 9, 2014, to the lowest responsible bidder, Rangel Construction Company, in the amount of $598,000.00.
5) PW123014-05 – Approve Award of Option 2 and Alternates 2 and 4 for the Copier/Printer Lease and Maintenance Program opened on December 9, 2014, to the lowest responsible bidder, Dakota Business Center, in the amount of $86,848.80.
Approve Change Order
6) PW123014-06 – Change Order for Jackson Boulevard Utilities – Chapel Lane to Rapid Creek Bridge, Project No. 10-1837 / CIP No. 50177, for a no cost funding change.
7) PW123014-07 – Change Order No. 1F to DOT Energy Solutions Inc. for Rapid City Cell 12 GCCS Expansion, Project No.14-2147, for a decrease of $938.00.
Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids
8) PW123014-08 – Ellsworth Air Force Base Water Meter Facility Relocation, Project No. 11-1936 / CIP No. 50830. Estimated Cost: $485,000.00.
9) PW123014-09 – Carriage Hills Place Water Main Reconstruction, Project No. 14-2225 / CIP No. 51029. Estimated Cost: $210,000.00.
10) PW123014-10 – East Quincy Street Reconstruction, Project No. 13-2110 / CIP No. 51028. Estimated Cost: $300,000.00.
11) PW123014-11 – Pavement Rehabilitation Project – Bogey Ct, Byrum Ct and Winged Foot Ct, Project No. 14-2183 / CIP No. 50844. Estimated Cost; $250,000.00.
12) PW123014-12 – Rapid City Sports Complex - Phase 2, Project No. PR2015-2234 / CIP No. 50792. Estimated Cost: $2,450,000.00.
Engineering Services
13) PW123014-13 – Approve with the Requirement to Sign a Waiver of Right to Protest a Request from Jason Cox for a Variance to Waive the Requirement to Install Sidewalk per City of Rapid City Ordinance 12.08.060 on the south side of Hill Street just west of the intersection of Carolyn Court for the property located at 1231 Hill Street.
14) PW123014-14 – Approve Resolution No. 2014-122 entitled a Resolution of Intent to Enter into Lease of Land with Soccer Rapid City, Pursuant to SDCL 9-15-5.2 (Dakota Field Soccer Complex).
15) PW123014-15 – Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for Skyline Wilderness Park Trailhead Development Project, PR13-1609 / CIP 51002 in 2015.