CITY of RAPID CITY Agenda Item Summary |
Meeting Date: 4/15/2014 |
Planning Commission: 3/27/2014; 4/10/10/2014 |
Staff Contact: Kip Harrington, Planner III |
PW Committee: 4/15/2014 |
Petitioner: City of Rapid City |
City Council 1st Reading: 4/7/2014 |
Location: Between East St. Andrew Street and East St. James Street between Elm Street and East St. Joseph Street |
City Council 2nd Reading: 4/21/2014 |
Agenda Title: |
14CA001 - Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to revise the Major Street Plan by removing and realigning proposed collector streets |
Summary: |
The applicant has submitted a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Major Street Plan to remove and realign proposed collector streets. In addition to this Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSMT) has also submitted an application for a Vacation of Right-Of-Way (File #14VR001) to vacate that portion of the Hawthorne Avenue right-of-way located north of East Saint James Street. |
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable): |
N/A |
Recommendation: |
Action: Approve Notes: Planning Commission continued the Comprehensive Plan Amendment to 4/10/2014: 3/27/2014; Planning Commission recommended approval: 4/10/2014 |
Options: |
N/A |
Attachments & Links: |