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Please remember to turn all cellular phones off or to vibrate when entering the council chambers.

City of Rapid City, South Dakota
Tuesday, March 9, 2010; 12:30 p.m.

(Note, as a result of the adoption of the City Council Policies & Procedures manual the format of the agenda has changed.)

Roll Call and Determination of Quorum


Approve Minutes of February 23, 2010 


Adoption of the Agenda  


General Public Comment

A time for members of the public to discuss or express concerns to the Committee on any issue, not limited to items on the agenda. Action will not be taken at the meeting on any issue not on the agenda, except by placement on the agenda by unanimous vote of the Aldermen present.  




1)         PW030910-01 – Request for Water Funding Allocation for the Lemmon Avenue Community Garden – Lemmon Avenue Block Club and NeighborWorks Dakota Home Resources. 




2)         PW030910-02 – Google Fiber for Communities – Alderman Bill Waugh & Alderman Sam Kooiker.




3)         PW030910-03 – Change Order No. 1 to Zenon Environmental Corporation for the Water Treatment Plant Upgrades – Jackson Springs Membrane Prepurchase, Project No. W07-1689 / CIP No. 50696, for a decrease of $139,656.00.


4)         PW030910-04 – Change Order No. 4 to SECO Construction Inc. for the Milo Barber Transportation Center Improvements, Project No. GB08-1765, for an increase of $5,830.00.




5)         PW030910-05 – Yard Waste Site Improvement – West Boulevard North, Project No. SWO10-1785.  Estimated cost:  $60,000.00.


6)         PW030910-06 – 2010 Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) Improvements, Project No. WRF10-1856 / CIP No. 50791.  Estimated cost:  $2,600,000.00.


7)         PW030910-07 – Sweeper Broom Refills.  Estimated cost:  $30,000.00.


8)         PW030910-08 – East North Street Maintenance Project, Project No. ST10-1867 / CIP No. 50445.  Estimated cost:  $100,000.00.


9)         PW030910-09 – East St. Patrick Street Sidewalks, Project No. MIP09-1805 / CIP No. 50298.  Estimated cost:  $35,000.00.




10)      PW030910-10 – Professional Services Agreement with Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. for Construction Phase Services for WRF Digester Control Building Improvements, Project No. WRF09-1783 / CIP No. 50581, in the amount of $82,543.00.  (Project funded through SRF Loan)


11)      PW030910-11 – Joint Funding Agreement between U.S. Dept of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey and City of Rapid City for 201 Water Resources Investigation to include the operation and maintenance of selected gaging stations and for various hydrologic investigations.  Rapid City’s share of the program will be $138,000.00 and will be matched by $134,450.00 of USGS cooperative funds.


12)      PW030910-12 – Pipeline License Agreement #WL1080 between the City of Rapid City and the SD Department of Transportation for construction of a box culvert associated with the Knollwood Drainage Outfall Elements 2 and 20 Project, Project No. DR04-1390 / CIP No. 50312, for a one-time fee amount of $750.00. 

13)      PW030910-13 – Agreement No. RC 2010-1 between Pennington County and City of Rapid City to reassign jurisdiction and responsibility for certain portions of county roads known as Haines Avenue, 143rd Avenue, Dyess Avenue and Elk Vale Road.


14)      PW030910-14 – Agreement with Steve Becher for the right to harvest alfalfa from a certain property owned by the City of Rapid City in the amount of $11,202.00.


15)      PW030910-15 – Spring Creek Watershed Management Intergovernmental Agreement between Pennington County and the City of Rapid City.  Cost not to exceed $30,000.00.




16)      PW030910-16 – Report on Bidding and Bid Prices for Annual Maintenance Materials.




17)      No. 10VE003 - Stoney Creek South Subdivision – A request by Sperlich Consutling, Inc. for J. Scull Construction to consider an application for a Vacation of Private Access and Public Utility Easement on Lots 1A, 2A of Block 1 and Lot 7 of Block 2 of Stoney Creek South Subdivision, located in the NW1/4 SW1/4, Section 22, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located south of Catron Boulevard between Sheridan Lake Road and Bendt Drive.


18)      No. 10FV001 - Original Town of Rapid City – A request by Wyss Associates for ATTA to consider an application for a Fence Height Exception to allow a six foot fence in the front, side and rear yard set backs on Lots 1 thru 16 and the west half of the vacated Second Street abutting Lot 1 and the east half of that portion of the vacated Third Street abutting Lot 16 and the north half of the vacated alley, The north half of the Lots 17 thru 20 and the half of the alley abutting said Lots17 thru 20, The south half of Lots 17 thru 20 and the north half of the vacated Denver Street adjacent to said Lots 17 thru 20, Lots 21 thru 22, the south half of the vacated alley and the north half of the vacated Denver Street adjacent to said Lots 21 thru 22, Lots 23 thru 24, the south half of the vacated alley and the north half of the vacated Denver Street adjacent to said Lots 23 thru 24, Lots 25 thru 32, the west half of the vacated Second Street adjacent to said Lot 32, the south half of the vacated alley and the north half of vacated Denver Street adjacent to said Lots 25 thru 32, all of Block 8 of the Original Town of Rapid City, Section 36, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located south of North Street between North Third Street and North Second Street.


19)      10TP007 – Mount Rushmore Corridor Development Plan – Draft Report.