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City of Rapid City, South Dakota
Tuesday, December 1, 2009; 12:30 p.m.
(Note, as a result of the adoption of the City Council Policies & Procedures manual the format of the agenda has changed.)
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
Approve Minutes of November 10, 2009
Adoption of the Agenda
General Public Comment
A time for members of the public to discuss or express concerns to the Committee on any issue, not limited to items on the agenda. Action will not be taken at the meeting on any issue not on the agenda, except by placement on the agenda by unanimous vote of the Aldermen present.
1) PW120109-01 – Rapid City Trolley – Nich Kenaston
2) Left Turn Arrow at Mount Rushmore Road and Saint Patrick Street – Alderman Sam Kooiker
3) PW120109-02 – the Correct bid amount to KRM Concrete, LLC for CSAC Front Steps/ADA Ramp Improvements, Project No. GB09-1808, from $27,027.00 to $27,024.92.
4) PW120109-03 – Change Order No. 1F to KRM Concrete, LLC, for the CSAC Front Steps/ADA Ramp Improvements, Project No. GB09-1808, for a decrease of $720.00.
5) PW120109-04 – Change Order No. 1F to Stanley J. Johnsen Concrete, Inc., for the Universal Drive Reconstruction, Project No. ST08-1701 / CIP No. 50398, for a decrease of $42,031.87.
6) PW120109-05 – Change Order No. 2F to SECO Construction, Inc., for the West Main Street & Creek Drive Bridge Repairs, Project No. ST09-1800 / CIP No. 50752, for a decrease of $1,377.89.
7) PW120109-06 – Change Order No. 1F to J&J Asphalt Company, for the Downtown Alleys Reconstruction, Project No. ST09-1821 / CIP No. 50379, for an increase of $2,677.98.
8) PW120109-07 – Change Order No. 1F to Hills Materials Company, for the Street Rehab-Alta Vista Street/St. Cloud Street, Project No. ST09-1815 / CIP No. 50549, for a decrease of $4,224.14.
9) PW120109-08 – Change Order No. 2F to Mainline Contracting Inc., for the Blaine, Halley, Holcomb, E. Jackson, N. Maple Sewer Reconstruction, Project No. SS08-1711 / CIP No. 50420, for an increase of $44,567.02.
10) PW120109-09 – Change Order No. 1F to Heavy Constructors, Inc., for the East Philadelphia Street 16” Water Main Transmission, Project No. W09-1793 / CIP No. 50760, for an increase of $12,871.89.
11) PW120109-10 – Change Order No. 1 to Rangel Construction Co. LLC, for the Fire Station #7, Project No. FD09-1767, for an increase of $2,910.67.
12) PW120109-11 – Change Order No. 4F to Knife River Midwest, LLC, for the East Mall Drive Connection – N. La Crosse Street to E. North Street, Project No. ST06-1334b / CIP No. 50521, for a decrease of $200,863.85.
13) PW120109-12 – Change Order No. 9 to Sampson Construction, for the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center Multipurpose Addition – Bid Package 2, Project No. IDP06-1555, for an increase of $52,946.00.
14) PW120109-13 – Cold Water Meters – Estimated cost: $145,000.00.
15) PW120109-14 – Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement with Dream Design International, Inc., for the Easy Street Sanitary Sewer Extension, Project No. SS09-1829 / CIP No. 50776. No cost time extension.
16) PW120109-15 – Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement with Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc., for the Water Reclamation Facility Digester Repair and Improvements-Phase II, Project No. WRF07-1549A / CIP No. 50581, for an increase of $4,778.00.
17) PW120109-16 – Agreement Between the City of Rapid City and Ferber Engineering Company, Inc., for the Jackson Springs Water Treatment Plant Survey Services, Project No. W07-1689 / CIP No. 50696, in the amount of $19,680.00.
18) PW120109-17 – Agreement with Johnson Controls Inc. for Interconnection with City Ethernet between the MRF and the Energy Plant in the amount of $5,050.00.
19) PW120109-18 – Utilities Certificate with SD Department of Transportation, St. Joseph Street Landscaping, Project No. ST09-1818 / CIP No. 50771.
20) PW120109-19 – Right of Way Certificate with SD Department of Transportation, St. Joseph Street Landscaping, Project No. ST09-1818 / CIP No. 50771.
21) PW120109-20 – Agreements for Voluntary Right of Way Donations (Temporary Easements), for the Anamosa Street Reconstruction, Project No. ST07-1472 / CIP No. 50519.
22) PW120109-21 – Amendment No. 1 to Agreement with FMG, Inc., for Geotechnical, Construction Materials and QA/QC Investigations, Project No. PW09-1787 / CIP No. 50637. No cost time extension.
23) PW120109-22 – Change Order No. 5 to RCS Construction, for Vickie Powers Park, Project No. PR08-6002, in the amount of $2,100.00 to install sidewalk behind restroom facility (funding included in original contract amount).