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City of Rapid City, South Dakota
Tuesday, July 14, 2009; 12:30 p.m.
(Note, as a result of the adoption of the City Council Policies & Procedures manual the format of the agenda has changed.)
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
Approve Minutes of June 30, 2009
Adoption of the Agenda
General Public Comment
A time for members of the public to discuss or express concerns to the Committee on any issue, not limited to items on the agenda. Action will not be taken at the meeting on any issue not on the agenda, except by placement on the agenda by unanimous vote of the Aldermen present.
1) 2010 Budget Presentation – Mayor Alan Hanks
2) No. PW071409-01 – Source Water Protection Report Presentation – Robert Ellis
3) No. PW071409-02 – Change Order No. 3-Final to Tru-Form Construction, Inc., Downtown Pavement Repair, Project No. STCM 08-1747 / CIP No. 50445, for a decrease of $17,977.05.
4) No. PW071409-03 – Change Order No. 2-Final to Site Work Specialists, Inc., Rand Road Drainage Channel Repair and Improvements, Project No. DR08-1735 / CIP No. 50733, for a decrease of $1,173.24.
5) No. PW071409-04 – Change Order No. 1-Final to KRM Concrete, LLC, Miscellaneous Improvements Project 2009, Project No. MIP09-1774 / CIP No. 50298, for an increase of $9,329.37.
6) No. PW071409-05 – Ten (10) Fully Automated Garbage Collection Trucks. Estimated Cost: $2,236,000.00.
7) No. PW071409-06 – Agreement between the City of Rapid City and PLM Development, LLC, for the payment of oversize costs for public water mains and public sewer mains, in the amount of $129,249.00.
8) No. PW071409-07 – Request Authorization to spend $275,000 to purchase salt and sand for street maintenance with funding source to be: Unencumbered Cash - $275,000.00.
9) No. PW071409-08 – Request City Council to set the hearing date for the State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan application for the Water Reclamation Facility Improvements Project for the August 3, 2009, City Council Meeting.
10) No. 07VE002 - Section 23, T1N, R7E (Continued from June 30, 2009) – A request by Sperlich Consulting, Inc. for Schriner Investments, LLC to consider an application for a Vacation of Access and Utility Easement on a portion of the 66 foot wide access and utility easement located in the NE1/4 of the NE1/4 of the NE1/4 and the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of the NE1/4 all located in Section 23, T1N, R7E, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located north of Enchantment Road and west of the eastern terminus of Stumer Road.
11) No. 09FV003 - South Boulevard Addition (Continued from June 30, 2009) – A request by Steven Dunn for Black Hills Power to consider an application for a Fence Height Exception to allow an eight foot high fence with barbed wired in the Low Density Residential District on Lots 23 and 24, Lots 25 and 26 with a ten foot wide portion of the adjacent alley of the South Boulevard Addition, located in the NW1/4 of Section 12, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located east side of Fifth Street between Cleveland and Oakland Street.
12) 09EX068 – Appeal of denial for an Exception to Waive Requirement to Install Sidewalk per City Ordinance 12.16.080 on property located at 1770 Centre Street, Horst Offices.
13) No. 09FV009 - CHMH Subdivision – A request by Machelle M. Knoll to consider an application for a Fence Height Exception to allow a six foot fence in lieu of a four foot fence in the Low Density Residential Zoning District on Lot B of Lot 1 of Block 8 of CHMH Subdivision, Section 24, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located at 807 Sagewood Street.
14) No. 09FV010 - Airport Addition – A request by Scott Goble for SWS, LLC to consider an application for a Fence Height Exception to construct an 8 foot high fence in lieu of a six foot high fence and to allow an 8 foot high fence in the front yard setback in lieu of a 4 foot high fence in the General Commercial Zoning District on Block 20 excepting therefrom the south eight and one-half feet thereof in Airport Addition, Section 25, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located at 232 Wright Street.
15) No. PW071409-09 – Acknowledge Report on Update on the Status of the Flood Plain Policy Subcommittee Recommendations.