No. 04FV018 - Sioux Park Addition
A request by Jadon Construction for Lillian Stone to consider an application for a Fence Height Exception to allow a six foot high fence in the front yard setback on Lot 6, Block 1, Sioux Park Addition, Section 3, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located at 2322 Lance Street.

Staff recommends that the Fence Height Exception to allow a six foot high fence in the front yard setback be approved with the following stipulations:


The fence will have a maximum height of six feet;


Prior to City Council approval, a revised site plan shall be submitted showing the proposed fence located a minimum of 15 feet from the property line abutting Jackson Boulevard;


Prior to City Council approval, a revised site plan shall be submitted for review and approval showing a landscaping buffer, located on the applicant’s property, between the proposed fence and Jackson Boulevard; and,


The finished sides of the fence shall face Jackson Boulevard.