recommends that the Vacation of Utility and Drainage Easement be approved
with the following stipulation:
1. Prior to City Council approval,
the land owner shall sign a maintenance agreement running with the
property assuming all maintenance of the drainage improvement.
Public Works Committee, July
27, 2004
No. 04VE015 French moved, second
by Olson to Approve with stipulation a Vacation of Utility and Drainage
Easement for petitioner Ferber Engineering Company, Inc. for Cregut
Inc. on Lot 1 of Lot C of Lot 1 of Rohrer Subdivision located in the
SW1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 29, T1N, R7E, BHM, Pennington County,
South Dakota, more generally described as being located at 7800 Alberta
Drive; and prior to City Council approval, the land owner shall sign
a maintenance agreement running with the property assuming all maintenance
of the drainage improvement. The motion prevailed in a unanimous
voice vote. Consent calendar