Staff Report | Vicinity Map | Aerial Photograph | Public Comment | Site Plan |
No. 00PD061 - Fountain Springs Subdivision
A request by Franklin Simpson to consider an application for a Major
Amendment to a Planned Development Designation to increase the boundaries
on property described by metes and bounds beginning at the southeast corner
of the SE¼ NW¼ SW¼ of Section 26, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington
County, South Dakota, Thence first course: N 0 01'51"E, a distance of
666.45', Thence second course: N 0 00'24"E, a distance of 666.73',
Thence third course: S89 47'51"W, a distance of 40.72', Thence fourth
course: southwesterly on an arc to the right, which radius point bears N41
27'44"W, 120.31' distance, said arc length being 52.665', delta angle
of 25 04'54", Thence fifth course: S73 37'10"W, a distance of
252.00', Thence sixth course: along an arc to the left, which radius is
250.00', delta angle of 75 24'10", an arc distance of 329.01', Thence
seventh course: along an arc to the right, which radius is 250.00', delta
angle of 68 59'31", an arc distance of 301.03', Thence eighth course: S
0 06'46"W, a distance of 85.05', Thence ninth course: S 0 07'40"W,
a distance of 665.09', Thence tenth course: N89 58'21"E, a distance of
661.62', to the point of beginning, said parcel of land containing 17.3826
acres more or less, and lying in the E½ of the NW¼ of the SW¼ of Section
26, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota and property
described by metes and bounds beginning at a point, N 0º07’40" E a
distance of 441.02 feet, from the southeast corner of the SE1/4 of the NW1/4
of the SW1/4 of Section 26, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County,
South Dakota, Thence First Course: S 77º00’00" W a distance of
295.00 feet, Thence Second Course: along an arc to the right, which radius
is 125.00 feet an arc distance of 206.86 feet, Thence Third Course: N 17º49’00"
W a distance of 113.81 feet, Thence Fourth Course: N 72º11’00" E a
distance of 468.32 feet, Thence Fifth Course: along an arc to the left,
which radius is 280.00 feet an arc distance of 11.75 feet, Thence Sixth
Course: S 0º06’46" W a distance of 52.78 feet, Thence Seventh
Course: S 0º07’40" W a distance of 224.06 feet, to the point of
beginning, said parcel of land containing 2.500 acres, more or less, more
generally described as being located at the eastern terminus of Harmony
Heights Lane.