No. 09CA031 - Rapid City Greenway Tract Summary of Adoption Action on an Amendment to the Adopted Comprehensive Plan to change the land use designation from Public with Flood Hazard to Civic Center on a portion of Tract 19 of Rapid City Greenway Tract, located in Section, 36, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more fully described as follows: commencing at the southeasterly corner of Lot RU-302A of the Original Townsite of Rapid City, common to a corner on the north boundary of Tract 19 of the Rapid City Greenway Tract, and the point of beginning, Thence, first course: S12º41’52”W, a distance of 204.24 feet; Thence, second course: N76º56’41”W, a distance of 367.77 feet; Thence, third course: N13º03’19”E, a distance of 301.94 feet, to a point on the northerly boundary of said Tract 19, common to a point on the southerly boundary of said Lot RU-302A; Thence, fourth course: S77º18’14”E, along the northerly boundary of said Tract 19, common to the southerly boundary of said Lot RU-302A, a distance of 65.68 feet, to a corner on the northerly boundary of said Tract 19, common to a corner on the southerly boundary of said Lot RU-302A; Thence, fifth course: S12º41’52”W, along the northerly boundary of said Tract 19, common to the southerly boundary of said Lot RU-302A, a distance of 100.00 feet, to a corner on the northerly boundary of said Tract 19, common to a corner on the southerly boundary of said Lot RU-302A; Thence, sixth course: S77º18’13”E, along the northerly boundary of said Tract 19, common to the southerly boundary of said Lot RU-302A, a distance of 300.20 feet, to a corner on the northerly boundary of said Tract 19, common to southeasterly corner of said Lot RU-302A, and the point of beginning, said Parcel contains 81,160 square feet or 1.863 acres more or less, more generally described as being located south of Central High School between North Mount Rushmore Road and West Boulevard North and north of Omaha Street. |