No. 09CA022 - NWE Subdivision Summary of Adoption Action for an Amendment to the Adopted Comprehensive Plan to change the land use designation from General Commercial with a Planned Commercial Development to Public for a parcel of land located in the SE1/4 NW1/4, Section 33, T2N, R7E, BHM, more particularly described by metes and bounds commencing at the northeast corner of Lot 2 of NWE Subdivision a found 5/8” rebar with cap marked “FMG Inc. LS SD 6119”, the true point of beginning, with SD State Plane Coordinates, South Zone, NAD83, N-654,283.81, E-1,193,289.54; thence S36°16’34”E at a distance of 306.27 feet to a rebar and cap marked “Renner 2652”; thence S36°16’12”E at a distance of 29.75 feet to the center of the Dean Lane right-of-way; thence S53°30’28”W at a distance of 241.49 feet along the center of the Dean Lane right-of-way to a point of deflection; thence S86°44’35”W at a distance of 327.67 feet along the center of the Dean Lane right-of-way to a point of deflection; thence N88°04’34”W at a distance of 133.91 feet along the center of the Dean Lane right-of-way to a point of deflection; thence N88°03’13”W at a distance of 254.19 feet along the center of the Dean Lane right-of-way to its intersection with the center of the North 40th Street right-of-way; thence N01°42’42”E at a distance of 395.82 feet to a point, which is the southeast corner of Block 1 of Tract C of Meadowwood; thence N02°13’39”E at a distance of 183.88 feet to a found rebar and cap marked “Renner 2652”; thence N02°15’37”E at a distance of 20.16 feet to the center of the Knutson Lane right-of-way; thence S87°47’16”E at a distance of 424.31 feet along the center of the Knutson Lane right-of-way to a point of deflection; thence S03°04’55”W at a distance of 19.82 feet to a found rebar and cap marked “FMG 4225”; thence S02°23’18”W at a distance of 40.05 feet to a found rebar and cap marked “FMG 4225”; thence S35°16’41”E at a distance of 242.82 feet to a found 5/8” rebar; thence N53°40’47”E at a distance of 160.21 feet to the true point of beginning, more generally described as being located at 4130 Dean Lane.