No. 08CA022 - South Robbinsdale, US Highway 16 and Spring Creek Neighborhood Future Land Use Plans A request by City of Rapid City to consider an application for an Amendment to the Adopted Comprehensive Plan to revise the Major Street plan by realigning arterial and collector streets on the South Robbinsdale Neighborhood Future Land Use Area which includes the area south of the section line where Fairmont Boulevard intersects with S.D. Highway 79, north of a line approximately one-half mile south of U.S. Highway 16-B, and east of U.S. Highway 16; the U.S. Highway 16 Neighborhood Future Land Use Area located north of Cathedral Drive and south along U.S. Highway 16 approximately one mile either side of U.S. Highway 16 to south of Reptile Gardens; the Spring Creek Neighborhood Future Land Use Area located west of S.D. Highway 79 south of Catron Boulevard and north of Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization southern boundary, more generally described as being located on portions of south and southwestern Rapid City.