No. 08CA018 - BHP Addition A request by Double RF Development Co., LLC to consider an application for a Summary of Adoption Action on an Amendment to the Adopted Comprehensive Plan to revise the Future Land Use plan from Light Industrial to General Commercial on a parcel of land, hereon referred to as Lot B located in Lot 3, NW1/4 SE1/4, Section 34, T2N, R7E, commencing at the northwesterly corner of said Lot 3 and the point of beginning. Thence: a bearing of N89º38’00”E and a distance of 158.76 feet along the northerly line of said Lot B; Thence: a bearing of S42º49’00”E and a distance of 117.54 feet along the easterly line of said Lot B, which is coincident with the westerly Right of way line of Deadwood Avenue; Thence: a bearing of S35º40’00”E and a distance of 114.63 feet along said easterly line of said Lot B; Thence: a bearing of S89º42’00”W and a distance of 304.40 feet along the southerly line of said Lot B; Thence: a bearing of N00º20’50”W and a distance of 179.93 feet along the westerly line of said Lot B, to the point of beginning, said Lot B contains 0.98 acres of land, more or less; and, Lot 1, all located in BHP Addition, Section 34, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Deadwood Avenue and West Chicago Street.