No. 06RZ044 - Sections 22, 23, 26 and 27, T2N, R7E A request by City of Rapid City to consider an application for a Rezoning from No Use District to General Agriculture District on SW1/4 NW1/4, W1/2 SW1/4, Section 23, T2N, R7E; W1/2 NW1/4 lying North of Interstate 90, Section 26, T2N, R7E; the unplatted portion of N1/2 lying north of Interstate 90, Section 27, T2N, R7E; and, all of Section 22 lying north of Interstate 90 less Lot 1 thru 3 of R & L Subdivision and less Lot 1R Revised and Lot 2R Revised of Summit Industrial Park, all located in Section 22; and less Lot B of W1/2SW1/4 less Lot H1 and Lot Y of Lot H2 of SW1/4 less Lot H1 and Less Lot H2, Section 22, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota; and less E1/2, SE1/4 SE1/4, SW1/4 SW1/4; SW1/4 SW1/4, SE1/4 SW1/4; W1/2 SE1/4, SW1/4 SE1/4 SW1/4; S1/2 NW1/4, SW1/4 SE1/4 SW1/4; SW1/4 NE1/4, SW1/4 SE1/4 SW1/4; All less R & L Subdivision, less a strip of land 80’ wide adjacent and parallel to SE line of Lot 3, R & L Subdivision, less a strip of land 100 ‘ wide adjacent and parallel to north boundary of I-90 and less ROW, all located in Section 22, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located northeast of the intersection of Deadwood Avenue and Interstate 90.