No. 05SR045 - Section 12, T1N, R7E A request by Rob Danielson of Seco Construction to consider an application for a SDCL 11-6-19 Review to allow the construction of a 20 foot by 20 foot Storage Shed to be used as equipment storage on public land on Tract F and the north half of vacated Meade Street located south and adjacent to the west half of vacated Circle Drive; Lots 1 through 43 and the west half of vacated Lincoln Avenue adjacent to the north half of vacated Grand Boulevard; Block A and half of vacated Circle Drive, a/k/a Park Circle located adjacent to said Block A and Lots 1 through 43 and the east half of vacated Lincoln Avenue adjacent to the north half vacated Grand Boulevard; Block D through E and the south half of vacated Grand Boulevard adjacent to said blocks south of Park, Block 20, Block A; Block 21, Block D; Section 12, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located adjacent to the north side of Indiana Street between Oak Avenue and Maple Avenue and south of Meade Street. |