No. 04VR011 - Millard Addition

A request by Lyle Henriksen for Chase & Company, LPI to consider an application for a Vacation of Right-of-Way on that portion of Greenway Street right-of-way lying between the east line of Holcomb Avenue right-of-way and a line between the south corner of Lot 3 and the east corner of Lot 19 of Bock 1 of Millard Addition, located in NE1/4 of NE1/4 of Section 36, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located along Greenway Street between Holcomb Avenue and North Maple Avenue.

Planning Commission recommended that the Vacation of Right-of-Way be continued to the January 17, 2005 City Council meeting.

VOTE: (8-0 vote with Nash, Brown, Schmidt, Prairie Chicken, Hadcock, Fast Wolf,
LeMay , and Anderson all voting yes and none voting no)