No. 04PL186 - Trailwood Subdivision A request by Sperlich Consulting, Inc. to consider an application for a Preliminary Plat on Lots 1 and 2 of Lot B of Block 16, Major Drainage Easement of Lot B of Block 16, and Public Access Easement of a portion of Lot B of Block 16, Trailwood Village, all located in the SE1/4, of the SW1/4, Section 10, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, legally described as commencing at the southwesterly corner of Lot B of Block 16 of Trailwood Village, common to the northeasterly corner of the intersection of the right-of-ways of SD State Highway 44, and Covington Street, and the Point of Beginning; thence, first course N40º25'09"E, along the easterly edge of the right-of-way of said Covington Street, a distance of 140.36 feet, to a point of curve; thence, second course: northerly, along the easterly edge of said Covington Street, curving to the left on a curve with a radius of 600.00 feet, a delta angle of 8º34'58", an arc length of 89.88 feet, a chord bearing of N36º07'40"E, and chord distance of 89.79 feet, to a point on the easterly edge of the right-of-way of said Covington Street; thence, third course: S51º11'35"E, a distance of 461.43 feet, to a point on the easterly boundary of said Lot B of Block 16, common to a point on the westerly boundary of Lot B of Lot 2 of Ridgeview Place Subdivision; thence, fourth course: S38º38'57"W, along the easterly boundary of said Lot B of Block 16, common to the westerly boundary of said Lot B of Block 2 of Ridgeview Place Subdivision, a distance of 67.21 feet, to a point on the easterly boundary of said Lot B of Block 16, common to the southwesterly corner of said Lot B of Block 2 of Ridgeview Place Subdivision, and common to the northwesterly corner of Lot A of Block 2 of Ridgeview Place Subdivision; thence, fifth course: S38º53'52"W, along the easterly boundary of said Lot B of Block 16, common to the westerly boundary of said Lot A of Block 2 of Ridgeview Place Subdivision, a distance of 162.79 feet, to the southeasterly corner of said Lot B of Block 16, common to the southwesterly corner of said Lot A of Block 2 of Ridgeview Place Subdivision, and common to a point on the northerly edge of the right-of-way of SD State Highway 44; thence, sixth course: N51º11"35"W, along the southerly boundary of said Lot B of Block 16, common to the northerly edge of the right-of-way of said SD State Highway 44, a distance of 461.12 feet, to the northeasterly corner of the intersection of the right-of-ways of said SD State Highway 44, and said Covington Street, and the Point of Beginning; said Parcel contains 105,545 square feet or 2.423 acres more or less., more generally described as being located located at the corner of SD State Highway 44 and Covington Street. |