No. 04RZ048 - Stoneridge Subdivision A request by Dream Design International, Inc. to consider an application for a Rezoning from General Agriculture District to Office Commercial District on property described by metes and bounds as commencing at the center corner Section 24, T1N, R7E, BHM, N28 31'52"E a distance of 1445.37 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence N78 01'29"E a distance of 97.70 feet; thence S89 42'24"E a distance of 105.65 feet; thence S84 42'24"E a distance of 179.38 feet; thence S54 42'24"E a distance of 249.16 feet; thence S83 15'56"E a distance of 116.68 feet; thence N3 22'06"E a distance of 6.07 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the right whose radius points bears S86 37'54"E, having a radius of 220.67 feet, a central angle of 24 05'58" and an arc length of 92.82 feet; thence N27 28'05"E a distance of 278.96 feet; thence N62 31'55"W a distance of 353.42 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the right whose radius points bears N27 28'05"E, having a radius of 1001.00 feet, a central angle of 25 27'54" and an arc length of 444.89 feet; thence N89 37'25"W a distance of 201.51 feet; thence S0 02'42"W a distance of 637.07 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing an area of 9.0 acres, more generally described as being located northwest of Fifth Street and Catron Boulevard. |