No. 03RZ015
- Superpumper Addition
A request by
DLK Engineering for South Creek Village
Limited Partnership to consider an application for a Rezoning from
Medium Density Residential District to General Commercial District
on a parcel of land described by metes and bounds as beginning at the
SE Section Corner of Section 7, T1N, R8E, BHM ; thence N89º32'15"W
a distance of 639.26 feet more or less; thence N00º00'35"W a
distance of 50 feet more or less to the True Point of Beginning; this
point is the common corner of the South East corner of Lot 2 Fellowship
Addition and the South West corner of the remaining balance of Lot 2 Superpumper
Addition; thence N00º00'35"W a distance of 610.83 feet more
or less; thence N89º29'15'W a distance of 22.78 feet more or less
; thence N00º02'07"E a distance of 330.81 feet more or less;
thence S89º37'12'E a distance of 211.89 feet more or less; thence
S00º01'35'W a distance of 942.35 feet more or less; thence N89º32'15'W
a distance of 189.26 feet more or less to the True Point of Beginning,
more generally described as being located northwest
of the intersection of Cambell Street and Fairmont Boulevard.