ADA Compliance: The City of Rapid City fully subscribes to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you desire to attend this public meeting and are in need of special accommodations, please notify the City Attorney's Office 24 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate auxiliary aids and services are available.
Please remember to turn all cellular phones off or to vibrate when entering the council chambers.
City of Rapid City, South Dakota
Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 12:30 p.m.
(Note, as a result of the adoption
of the City Council Policies & Procedures manual the format of the agenda
has changed.)
Roll Call and Determination
of Quorum
Approve Minutes of April 1, 2009
Adoption of the Agenda
General Public Comment
A time for members of the public to discuss or express concerns to the Committee
on any issue, not limited to items on the agenda. Action will not be taken at
the meeting on any issue not on the agenda, except by placement on the agenda
by unanimous vote of the Aldermen present.
SPECIAL ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC (citizen requested to be placed on agenda)
1) No. LF012809-01A - Report from BankWest Regarding the Status of Removing Three Trailers from the Deluxe Mobile Home Park and Countryside Mobile Home Park (referred from the February 17, 2009, City Council meeting)
2) No. LF031109-01 - Claussen Photography -Request for Two (2) Loading Zone Parking Spots on 7th Street between Main Street and St. Joseph Street (continued from the March 11, 2009, Legal and Finance Committee meeting)
3) Bob Knecht - Request for an Ordinance to Require Public Access to Restrooms
4) No.
LF041509-01 - Confirm Appointment of Alan Van Bochove and Jim Mullenberg
to the City Electrical Board
5) No. LF040109-02 - Recommendation on Council Members Serving on Boards within the City of Rapid City (continued from the March 11, 2009, Legal and Finance Committee meeting and from the April 1, 2009, Legal and Finance Committee meeting)
6) No.
LF041509-02 - Acknowledge Capital Improvements Program Committee Monthly
Update for March 2009
7) Approve Taking $12,000 from the Sports Facility Grant Program to Fund the
ADA Upgrades at Robbinsdale Park
8) No. LF041509-03 - Approve the Parks
and Recreation CIP Five Year Plan
9) No. LF041509-04 - Approve the Affordable
Housing Capital Improvements Funding Increase for a Total of $28,040 for Sidewalk
Installation at 146 Patton Street
10) Kooiker - Automated External Defibrillators for RCPD Patrol Units
11) Kooiker - Licensing for Payday Lenders
12) Martinson & Kooiker - Ordinance
Amending the International Building Code
13) Martinson & Kooiker - ADA Compliant Automatic Doors
14) No. LF041509-06 - Approve Event Permit for Wellspring, Inc. for Fourth Annual Stampede 10k Walk/Run to be Held on April 26, 2009, Beginning at 8:00 a.m.
15) No. LF041509-07 - Authorize Staff to Donate Surplused 1999 Ford E3 Ambulance to Western Dakota Tech Fire Science Program
16) No. LF041509-08 - Approve Travel Request for Cameron Humphres, Jennifer Eckman, and Jerry Mitchell to Attend AAAE Conference in Philadelphia, PA, June 13-18, 2009, in the Approximate Amount of $8,022.45
17) No. LF041509-09 - Approve Travel Request for Cameron Humphres to Attend Marketing and Communications Conference and Jumpstart in Montreal, Canada, May 30 - June 4, 2009, in the Approximate Amount of $3,626.30
18) No. 09OA001 - Second Reading and Recommendation of Ordinance No. 5502 Amending the Procedures for Authorization of Conditional Use Permits by Amending Section 17.54.030.A.1 of the Rapid City Municipal Code
19) No. 09TP014 - Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign a No Cost, Time Extension with Kadrmas Lee & Jackson to December 31, 2009 for the Mount Rushmore Road Central Corridor Analysis
20) Acknowledge the Following Volunteers for Workmen's Compensation Purposes: Zachary Larson and Moses Muci
21) No. LF040109-14 - Second Reading and Recommendation of Ordinance No. 5499 Regarding Supplemental Appropriation No. 3 for 2009
22) Update on Reimbursement for Lease of 80 Acres of Cropland along Elk Vale Drive
23) No. LF041509-10 - Resolution (No. 2009-047) Declaring Property Surplus
24) No. LF041509-11 - Approve Travel Request for Jim Preston, Jason Green, Pauline Sumption, Connie Ewing, Tracy Davis and Tammie Krumm to attend the SDML Human Resource School and Finance Officers' School in Pierre, SD, June 9-12, 2009 in the Approximate Amount of $2,079.50
25) No. LF041509-12 - Resolution (No. 2009-053) to Amend the Temporary Pay Matrix
26) No. LF041509-13 - Resolution (No. 2009-052) to Amend the City of Rapid City Compensation Plan by Adding the Position of Forensic Chemist
27) No. LF041509-14 - Resolution (No. 2009-051) to Amend the Contract between the AFSCME Library and the City of Rapid City by Establishing the Position of Library Associate II to the AFSCME-Library Pay Scale
28) No. LF041509-15 - Proposed Changes to the Land Information Systems Task Force Bylaws
29) No. LF041509-16 - Approve Travel Request for David Van Cleave and Bob Druckrey to Attend WEFTEC Conference in Orlando, FL, October 9-15, 2009, in the Approximate Amount of $4,980.01
30) No. LF041509-05 - Identity Theft Prevention Program
31) No. LF040109-22 - Second Reading and Recommendation of Ordinance No. 5498 to Revise the Terms and Conditions for City Participation in the Cost of Bringing Private Nonconforming Water and Sewer Service Lines up to Current Standards by Amending Sections 13.06.010 and 13.06.020 of the Rapid City Municipal Code
32) No. LF040109-23 - Second Reading and Recommendation of Ordinance No. 5500 to Modify the Structure of the Department of Parks and Recreation by Revising Chapter 2.89 of the Rapid City Municipal Code and Repealing Chapters 2.86 and 2.90
33) No. LF040109-24 - Introduction and First Reading of Ordinance No. 5501 to Prohibit the Feeding of Wildlife and Waterfowl in the City of Rapid City by Establishing Chapter 6.16 of the Rapid City Municipal Code (continued from the April 1, 2009, Legal and Finance Committee meeting)
34) No. LF041509-17 - Introduction and First Reading of Ordinance No. 5506 to Increase the Penalty for Insufficient Funds and No Account Checks Delivered to the City of Rapid City by Amending Section 9.04.010 of the Rapid City Municipal Code
35) No. LF041509-18 - Introduction and First Reading of Ordinance No. 5507 to Clarify the Authority of the Rapid City Police Department to Operate Vehicles in Carrying out Its Official Duties by Amending Chapter 2.20 of the Rapid City Municipal Code
36) No. LF041509-19 - Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Release of Agreement with Midland Rushmore, LLC Regarding Payment of the Proportionate Share of Lift Station Upgrade Costs
37) No. LF041509-20 - Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Release of Agreement with Midland Rushmore, LLC Regarding Construction of Off-Site Improvements at the Intersection of LaCrosse Street and Rapp Street
38) No. LF041509-21 - Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Release of Agreement with By-Pass Development, LLC Regarding Improvements to North Elk Vale Road
39) No. LF041509-22 - Direct the City Attorney's Office to List Lot 1 of Wally Byam Addition for Sale at the Value Established by the Freeholders
40) No. LF041509-23 - Acknowledge Raffle Request for Pennington County Republican Party
41) No.
LF041509-24 - Approve Property Tax Abatement for Green Tree Servicing
for 2007 in the Amount of 923.64; Janice E. Richardson for 2007 in the Amount
of $180.50; and Patricia L. Wells for 2008 in the Amount of $130.22