Staff Report
Vicinity Map
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Public Improvements
Tax Increment Financing Guide
Project Plan

No. 05TI002 - Section 5, T1N, R8E

A request by Jim Letner to consider an application for a Tax Increment District No. 52 Project Plan on Tract 1, Shamrock Subdivision, Section 5, T1N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota; and, Tract C, Section 5, T1N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota; Lot B of Lot 3 of Tract D, Section 5, T1N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota; and, The 60 foot East St. Charles Street right-of-way located between Cambell Street and Creek Drive, and the 66 foot Creek Drive right-of-way located between E. St. Patrick Street on the south and Rapid Creek on the north, all located in Section 5, T1N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located north of East Saint Patrick Street, East of Cambell Street and west of Creek Drive.

The Planning Commission recommended that the Project Plan for Tax Increment District #52 be approved with the stipulation that the improvements to the snow removal area not occur until such time as a determination has been made concerning the future use of that area.

VOTE: (4 to 2 with Andrews, Brown, Hadcock and Prairie Chicken voting yes and with LeMay and Nash voting no)