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Legal & Finance Agenda | ![]() |
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ADA Compliance: The City of Rapid City fully subscribes to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you desire to attend this public meeting and are in need of special accommodations, please notify the City Attorney's Office 24 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate auxiliary aids and services are available.
City of Rapid City, South Dakota
August 15, 2001 -- Following 1:15 p.m. Public Works Committee Meeting
1) LF081501-01 - Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Contract for Professional Services with State of South Dakota
2) LF080101-03 - Second Reading and Recommendation of Ordinance No. 3712 Adding Chapter 8.26 to Title 8 of the Rapid City Municipal Code Relating to Public Use of Automatic External Defibrillators
3) LF081501-02 - Approve Travel Request for David Christie to Attend Hazardous Materials Technician Classes in Pueblo, CO, from 8/20 through 8/31 in the Amount of $3,216.24
4) LF081501-03 - Approve Travel Request for Randy Rearick to attend ARFF Chiefs' School & Airport Emergency Response School in Palm Springs, CA, from 10/21/01 through 10/27/01 in the Amount of $2,311
5) LF080101-05 - Second Reading and Recommendation of Ordinance No. 3693 Amending Sections 8.34.020 and 8.34.030 of Chapter 8.34 of the Rapid City Municipal Code Pertaining to Applicability and Definitions; Amending Sections 8.38.010, 8.38.040, 8.38.050, 8.38.070 and 8.38.080 Pertaining to Construction Permits and Compliance Plans, and Repealing Section 8.38.030 All of Chapter 8.38 of the Rapid City Municipal Code; Adding New Sections 8.39.010 and 8.39.020 of New Chapter 8.39 to the Rapid City Municipal Code Pertaining to Streets and Roads; Amending Section 8.42.010 of Chapter 8.42 of the Rapid City Municipal Code Pertaining to Fees
6) 01OA011 - Second Reading and Recommendation of Ordinance No. 3713 Amending Subsection B (1) of Section 17.54.020 of Chapter 17.54 of the Rapid City Municipal Code Pertaining to the Notice of Time Given to Hold A Public Hearing
7) LF081501-04 - 2002 Capital Improvements Program – Jim Preston
8) 01AN010 - Section 26, T1N, R7E - A request by City of Rapid City to consider an application for a Resolution of Annexation on Tract AR2 of Needles Subdivision, Lot A of Tucker Subdivision, Tract A of Meadow View Subdivision, the 40 foot wide Tucker Street ROW located in the SE1/4 NW1/4 NW1/4, and that portion of SE1/4 NW1/4 NW1/4 lying east of U.S. Highway 16 less right of way, all located within Section 26, T1N, R7E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located northeast of the intersection of U.S. Highway 16 and Catron Boulevard
9) 01AN012 - Section 32, T2N, R8E - A request by City of Rapid City to consider an application for a Resolution of Intent to Annex on Tract C of SW1/4 SW1/4, Lot 3-4 of NW1/4 SW1/4 and vacated Alley less RTY, Unplatted portion of NW1/4 SW1/4, east 613 feet of the north 511 feet of SW1/4 SW1/4, E1/2 SE1/4 SW1/4, NW1/4 SE1/4 SW1/4, Tract B of SW1/4 SW1/4 less RTY, SW1/4 SE1/4 SW1/4, all located within Section 32, T2N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located north of SD Highway East, east of Cambell Street and south of US Highway 16
10) 01OA013 – Introduction and First Reading of Ordinance No. 3711 Amending Section 17.22.030 of Chapter 17.22 of the Rapid City Municipal Code by Adding a New Subsection 17.22.030(J) to Allow Communication Towers in Uses Permitted on Review
11) 01TI003 - Section 16, T1N, R7E - A request by City of Rapid City to consider an application for a Resolution Dissolving Tax Increment District No. 25 on E1/2 NE1/4, Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, containing 80 acres more or less; and Lot 3 Pine View Terrace Subdivision, containing 6.222 acres more or less; and Lot 2 less Lot H1, Pine View Terrace Subdivision, containing 27.549 acres more or less; and Tract 2 & Tract 4, Pine View Terrace Subdivision, containing 36.470 acres more or less; and W1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4, Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, containing 20 acres more or less; and Lot 1, Pine View Terrace Subdivision, containing 3.220 acres more or less; and SE1/4 SE1/4 less Lot 1, Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, containing 36 acres more or less; and Lot 1 of SE1/4 SE1/4, Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, containing 3.00 acres more or less; and N1/2 NW1/4 NE1/4 less Lot in Block 1-3 of Parkridge Village, Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, containing 12.150 acres more or less; and Balance of W1/2 NE1/4 less Lot 1, Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, containing 23.340 acres more or less; and Lot 1 of SW1/4 NE1/4, Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, containing 3.030 acres more or less; and Lot C of E1/2 SW1/4 Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, containing 8.00 acres more or less; and N200’ of S940’ of W450’ of Tract A SE1/4 SW1/4, Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, containing 2.070 acres more or less; and Tract A in SE1/4 SW1/4 less N200’ of S940’ of W450’, Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, containing 28.34 acres more or less; and E1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4, Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, containing 20 acres more or less; all located in Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located north of Corral Drive and west of Arrowhead Country Club
12) 01AN015 - Deadwood Avenue Annexation
13) 01TP008 - Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement 310734 between South Dakota Department of Transportation and the City of Rapid City for a contract funding increase in the amount of $70,000
14) 01TP009 - Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Amendment No. 3 to the Agreement between the Alliance of Architects and Engineers and the City of Rapid City for the Box Elder Central Arterial Preliminary Design for an amount not to exceed $794.36
15) Bid Award: Surplus Property Located at 531 East Philadelphia Street
16) LF081501-05 - Introduction and First Reading of Ordinance No. 3726 Regarding Supplemental Appropriation No. 6 for 2001
17) LF081501-06 - Introduction and First Reading of Ordinance No. 3727 Regarding Supplemental Appropriation No. 7 for 2001
18) LF081501-07 - Resolution Fixing Time and Place for Hearing on Assessment Roll for Property Cleanup
19) LF071101-09 - Second Reading and Recommendation of Ordinance No. 3704 Amending Sections 15.16.150 and 15.16.200 of the Electrical Code as Adopted by Reference in Chapter 15.16 of the Rapid City Municipal Code
20) LF081501-08 - Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Employee Assistance Program Agreement
21) LF081501-09 - Approve Travel Request for Adam Altman to Attend IMLA's 66th Conference in New Orleans, LA, from September 9, 2001, through September 12, 2001 in the Amount of $2,415
22) LF081501-10 - Approve the Following Abatements: Steve H. or Sheila F. Hahn, 2001, $361.62; Sharon L. and Chalmers L. Porter, Jr., 2000, $1,317.40
23) Approve the Following Licenses:
Residential Contractor: Larry Olson Construction, Larry Olson; Tipton Construction & Dirt Works, Charles C. Tipton Jr. & Scott Tipton
Trenching Journeyman: Roy Aitken, Doyle Everson, Rick Fornwald, Darin Haeder
24) Request by the Rapid City Garden Club to Waive the Use on Review Application Fee and the Sign Permit Application Fee
25) LF081501-11 - Request to Reconsider Council Action for Comprehensive Plan Amendment (01CA022) and Rezoning Request (01RZ032)
26) Discussion on Floodplain Policy (Rick Kriebel)
27) Discussion on Public Comment for City Council Agenda
28) LF081501-12 - City-Sponsored Grant Application for Expanded Substance Abuse Treatment
29) Approve Change Order for New Rescue Vehicle (Decrease of $500 from Contract Price)
30) Walt Linderman & Gary Rasmussen - Request Regarding Special Assessment and Recording of Plat on Parkview Drive - Walgar Development Corp.