512 Main Street (11CM002)
Applicant:  RAHL, LLC
Downtown Historic District – Contributing
Request:  Renovate Building to include exterior renovations:
1.     North elevation: install double-hung aluminum clad window
2.     West elevation first floor:

a)     Install fixed pane display windows with aluminum framing to match windows on Main Street, with narrow operable awning windows above.  Precast concrete beneath the windows similar to the stone on Main Street.

b)    Install single storefront doors

c)     Install retractable canvas awnings over storefront and entries

3.     West elevation second floor: install double-hung aluminum clad windows in groups of three per bay with pre-cast concrete sills.
4.     HVAC units on roof to be relocated or screened

Request:  Renovate Building to include interior renovations:
1.     Remove existing partition walls on first floor and basement
2.    Build two new stairways

Application - Aerial Map - Historical Information - Drawings