CITY of RAPID CITY Agenda Item Summary |
Meeting Date: 12/21/2015 |
Planning Commission: 11/25/2015 |
Staff Contact: Robert Laroco, Current Planner II |
PW Committee or L&F Committee: N/A |
Petitioner: Dream Design International, Inc |
City Council 1st Reading: 12/7/2015 |
Location: West of Elk Vale Drive and south of Eglin Street |
City Council 2nd Reading: 12/21/2015 |
Agenda Title: |
15RZ022 - Rezoning from General Agricultural District to General Commercial District |
Summary: |
The applicant has submitted a request to rezone approximately 2.75 acres of property from General Agriculture District to General Commercial District. A Preliminary Subdivision Plan (File #15PL052) was approved by the City Council on July 20, 2015 to create several commercial lots and Turbine Drive right-of-way. However, a portion of the property is still zoned General Agriculture District, which generally serves as a holding district until development of the property is anticipated in the near-term future. |
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable): |
N/A |
Recommendation: |
Action: Approve Notes: Planning Commission recommended approval: 11/25/2015: City Council approved first reading:12/07/2015 |
Options: |
N/A |
Attachments & Links: |