Agenda Item Summary


Meeting Date: 12/7/2015

Historic Preservation Commission: 11/10/15

Staff Contact: Sarah Hanzel, Long Range Planner I

LF Committee:12/2/2015

Petitioner: Todd Hollan, NWE Management

City Council:  N/A

Location:  N/A


Agenda Title:

Request for SDCL 1-19A-11.1 Final Determination relative to the four proposed demolition requests located south of Saint Joseph Street and west of West Street.


On July 15, 2011 NWE Management underwent an 11.1 review to demolition 8 historic and non-historic structures located on the northern terminus of the West Boulevard Historic District. THe SHPO requested a Case Report to document potential alternatives.  Though that effort, adaptive re-use alternatives have been found to negate the need for demolition at half of the locations. However, the applicant requests demolition of the structures located at 617 West Street, 623 West Street, 1310 Kansas City Street, and 1311 West Main Street (garage only).The Historic Preservation Commission agreed with the findings of the Case Report.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):



Action: Approve Option 1)

Notes: Historic Preservation Commission recommended approval of Option 1: 11/10/15; Legal and Finance Committee recommended approval of Option1: 12/2/2015


1) Final determination that there are no feasible and prudent alternatives and that all possible planning to minimize the harm to historic property has occurred. This finding authorizes staff to process the permits pursuant to 1-19A-11.1; or

2) Final determination that there are feasible and prudent alternatives or that all possible planning to minimize the harm to historic property has not occurred. This finding requires the applicant to revise and resubmit the application.

Attachments & Links:

Staff Memo

Case Report

HPC Minutes (Draft)

Exhibit 1

Exhibit 2

Exhibit 3

Exhibit 4

Exhibit 5

Exhibit 6

Exhibit 7

Exhibit 8

SHPO Final Determination