CITY of RAPID CITY Agenda Item Summary |
Meeting Date: 11/16/2015 |
Planning Commission: 11/5/2015 |
Staff Contact: Sarah Hanzel |
PW Committee or L&F Committee: N/A |
Petitioner: Hagg Brothers, LLC |
City Council 1st Reading: 11/16/2015 |
Location: North of Seger Drive between future North Maple and Freeland Avenue |
City Council 2nd Reading: 12/7/2015 |
Agenda Title: |
15RZ020 - Rezoning from No Use District to General Agricultural District |
Summary: |
The City is requesting to rezone approximately 128 acres of property from No Use District to General Agricultural District. The property owner has submitted an annexation petition which will be reviewed contemporaneously with this rezone request. Today the property is located in Pennington County and has a zoning designation of General Agriculture. The property is void of structural development. The applicant intends to continue the existing use of the property until it is redeveloped in the future. |
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable): |
N/A |
Recommendation: |
Action: Approve Notes: Planning Commission recommended approval: 11/5/2015 |
Options: |
Attachments & Links: |