Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Agenda Item Summary |
Meeting Date: 11/2/2015 |
City Council: 11/2/2015 |
Staff Contact: Kip Harrington, Long Range Planner III |
Planning Commission: 10/22/2015 |
Petitioner: N/A |
PW Committee: 10/27/2015 |
Location: Community wide |
LF Committee: N/A |
City Council Set for Hearing: N/A |
City Council Public Hearing: 11/2/2015 |
Agenda Title: |
No. 15CA003 - Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan by adopting the RapidTRIP 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan. |
Summary: |
RapidTRIP 2040 has been developed to guide transportation planning activities and transportation facility development for the next 25 years. The goal of the Long Range Transportation Plan is to plan an efficient intermodal transportation system which maximizes the movement of goods and people, and minimizes hazards, costs, energy consumption, and pollution. This document is a requirement of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), and must be updated every 5 years. The Long Range Transportation Plan for the Rapid City Area was last updated in September 2010. This Rapid City Area Long Range Transportation Plan has two major components. The first component is comprised of the 25-year traffic forecasts for the Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Study Area used to identify future transportation needs. The second component is the development of the actual planning and prioritization elements within the Long Range Transportation Plan to satisfy those future needs. |
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable): |
Recommendation: |
Action: Approve Notes: The Executive Policy Committee of the Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization approved the plan on September 17, 2015; Planning Commission recommended approval: 10/22/2015; Public Works Committee recommended approval: 10/27/2015; Legal Finance Committee recommended approval: 10/28/2015 |
Options: |
Attachments & Links: |