Meeting Date: 8/17/2015
Planning Commission: 7/23/2015
Staff Contact: Brett Limbaugh, Director Community
Planning and Development
L&F Committee: 7/29/2015; 8/12/2015
Petitioner: City of Rapid City
City Council 1st
Reading: 8/3/2015
Location: N/A
City Council 2nd
Reading: 8/17/2015
Agenda Title:
15OA006 - Ordinance To Amend Provisions
Concerning Consolidation Plats And Lot Line Adjustment Plats By Amending
Section 16.08.100 of The Rapid City Municipal Code
Planning Commission
reviewed and City Council approved a new subdivision ordinance in 2012
containing several methods for platting property and amending existing subdivision
boundaries and lot lines. The new ordinance allowed lot line adjustments and
lot consolidation plats to be approved administratively by Staff. In the
last three years Staff has approved 77 lot line adjustment and consolidation
plats. During the staff review process the issues of whether a lot line or
lot consolidation process would require the construction of public
improvements and whether unplatted balances could be included was discussed.
A review of case files revealed that several of the 77 approved cases
included unplatted balances. With respect to the public improvements there
were instances where undeveloped section line roadways or additional
improvements to existing State roads such as curb, gutter, and sidewalk along
Catron or Highway-44 were not required. Staff met with two members of the
former Second Floor Committee who drafted the subdivision ordinance and there
was an agreement to craft amendments that will provide specific requirements
and/or clarifications regarding un-platted balances. Staff has created an
ordinance amendment to prohibit the use of the lot line and consolidation
platting process when there is un-platted property. City Council reviewed
this issue at the June 1st meeting and directed Staff to draft the amendment.
City Council also approved a moratorium prohibiting lot line and
consolidation plats involving un-platted property until such time as the
ordinance amendments could be approved.
Funding Source
& Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Notes: Planning
Commission approved: 7/23/2015; Legal and Finance approved 1st reading:
7/29/2015; City Council approved 1st reading: 8/3/2015; Legal and Finance
approved 2nd reading: 8/12/2015
Attachments &