Agenda Item Summary


Bid Opening Date: December 9, 2014

City Council Hearing: December 15, 2014

Staff Contact: Keith Johnson




Agenda Title:  

Approve award of Total Bid for Hyland Drive Water Main Loop and Sanitary Sewer Extension, Project No. 14-2140 / CIP No. 50823 opened on December 9, 2014, to the lowest responsible bidder, Hills Materials Company, in the amount of $261,649.80.


This project is primarily for the construction of approximately 583 LF of City water main and 115 LF of new City sanitary sewer main in Hyland Drive and Roosevelt Avenue.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):

Water Replacement / Improvement 933; Wastewater Expansion 834


Budgeted      Not Budgeted


   Award:  Total Base Bid in the amount of $261,649.80 to Hills Materials Company.

Notes: NA



Attachments & Links:

Bid Award Summary

Bid Opening Summary

 Project Location Map

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