CITY of RAPID CITY Agenda Item Summary |
Meeting Date: 11/12/14 |
L&F Committee: 11/12/14 |
Staff Contact: Wade Nyberg, Pauline Sumption, Capt. Hedrick/Lt. Eisenbraun |
City Council 1st Reading: 11/17/14 |
City Council 2nd Reading: 12/1/14 |
Agenda Title: |
Introduction and First Reading of Ordinance No. 6023 An Ordinance to Revise the Procedure for and Amounts of Penalties for Parking Violations By Amending Chapters 10.40 and 10.44 of the Rapid City Municipal Code |
Summary: |
This ordinance consolidates the penalties for parking violations into one section of the municipal code (§10.40.205). It contains 2 primary changes: a graduated penalty scheme for overtime parking, and an increase in penalties for other types of violations. The graduated penalty scheme applies in the two-hour zones downtown and at metered parking. The first violation would result in a courtesy notice. After the courtesy warning, a graduated penalty scheme is enacted. The 2nd violation is $10; the third is $15; and the fourth is $25. After any 90-day period without violations, the vehicle would be entitled to start the cycle over, i.e. the first violation would be another courtesy warning. The increase in penalties for other types of violations (not time related) can be seen in a table located on pp. 7-8 of the ordinance. The fees for most parking violations will increase from $5 to $10. Some violations that were identified as safety-related (e.g. blocking traffic or crosswalks) were increased to $25. Leased parking violations remain at their current penalty of $25. Fire lane, fire hydrant, and fire station entrance violations rise to $50. Handicapped space violations remain at $100. |
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable): |
The changes are anticipated to be revenue neutral. |
Recommendation: |
Action: Approval Notes: |
Options: |
Attachments & Links: |