The applicant submitted an 11.1
Review application for historic review after he received a stop work order
for replacing siding in the historic district without a permit. At the time
the stop work order was issued, a majority of the original siding had already
been removed. At the February 7, 2014 HPC meeting, the HPC discussed the
architectural character of the property and recommended a finding that
replacing the wood siding with LP Smartside siding applied in a ribbon
pattern, and replacing the scalloped trim would have no adverse effect to
historic property. The SHPO concurred with their findings. On March 21, the
property owner came to the HPC meeting to request clarification to the
stipulations of the project approval. The property owner has since finished
siding the house, following the ribbon pattern. He has not replaced the
scalloped trim.
The applicant requests that the City
Council review the contents of the Report and and overturn the stipulation
requiring the the scalloped trim be replaced so that the final approval of
the siding permit can be obtained.