CITY of RAPID CITY Agenda Item Summary |
Meeting Date: 10/6/2014 |
City Council: 10/6/2014 |
Staff Contact: Patsy Horton, Long Range Planning Manager |
Planning Commission: 9/25/2014 |
Petitioner: N/A |
LF Committee: 10/1/14 |
Location: Community wide |
City Council Set for Hearing: 10/20/2014 |
City Council Public Hearing: N/A |
Agenda Title: |
Resolution #2014-090 - Resolution Adopting a Policy Regarding De-Annexation Requests |
Summary: |
Plan Rapid City, the City’s comprehensive plan, was adopted in April 2014 and is a long-range planning document that provides guidance on where and how the community should grow and evolve over the next 25+ years. The City consistently addresses growth and development through annexations and utility extensions, and provides associated services to property owners once an annexation is complete and utilities are extended. There are instances when property owners request that Council consider an application to exclude from the corporate limits property previously annexed. The proposed resolution will provide Council with items for consideration during the Council’s deliberation for such requests. |
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable): |
N/A |
Recommendation: |
Action: Approve Notes: Planning Commission recommended approval: 9/25/2014; Legal Finance recommended approval: 10/1/2014 |
Attachments & Links: |