Agenda Item Summary


Meeting Date: 8/18/2014

Historic Preservation Commission: 12/06/2013 & 8/1/2014

Staff Contact: Sarah Hanzel, Long Range Planner I

LF Committee: 8/13/2014

Petitioner: Richard Bray

City Council: 8/18/2014

Location:  1116 South Street


Agenda Title:

13RS031 - Appeal of Historic Preservation Commission’s recommended denial of roofing permit at 1116 South Street


On December 6, 2013 the Historic Preservation Commission (Commission) determined that the applicant’s request to install a seam metal roof at 1116 South Street would have an adverse effect to historic property. The SD State Historical Preservation Office (SHPO) agreed with their finding. In accordance with SDCL 24:52:07:03, the City and the applicant prepared a Case Report to document relative factors and feasible and prudent alternatives to minimize the adverse effect. On August 1, 2014 the Commission determined that the Case Report documents the relevant factors and alternatives necessary to make a final determination on the project.


The applicant requests that City Council review the Case Report and approve the appeal of the Commission and SHPO determination of an adverse effect to historic property by installing a seam metal roof.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):



Action: Choose an item.

1) Deny the request to install a seam metal roof and require the issuance of a building permit to be contingent on roofing material that does not adversely effect historic property; or

2) Approve the request to install a seam metal roof and direct staff to notify SHPO of determination and process the building permit; or

3) Continue the appeal to a certain date and require the applicant to provide additional investigation or explanation of alternatives 

Notes: Legal and Finance denied the appeal: 8/13/2014; If City Council approves the appeal adversely effecting historic property, a building permit may be issued no sooner than ten days after SHPO receives notification of the final determination, sent certified mail.



Attachments & Links:

Staff Memo

Case Report

Property Owner Letter

Contractor Letter

Draft HPC Minutes

Historic Inventory


SHPO Comments