CITY of RAPID CITY Agenda Item Summary |
Public Works Committee Meeting Date: 7/15/14 |
City Council Meeting Date: 7/21/14 |
Staff Contact: Rod Johnson |
Petitioner: City of Rapid City |
Location: West Memorial Park |
Agenda Title: |
Authorize staff to pursue grant funding applications through the Transportation Alternatives Program and Federal Transit Administration’s Section 5307 Formula for the W. Memorial Park Stormwater Mitigation project, approve the associated Implementation Plan for West Memorial Park and authorize the Mayor and Finance Officer to sign the associated documents if funds are awarded |
Summary: |
Concept Plan includes Park enhancements, storm water management areas, and approximately 270 space parking lot with Park-and-Ride features. |
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable): |
Recommendation: |
Action: Approve Notes: |
Attachments & Links: |