Agenda Item Summary


Meeting Date: 4/21/14

Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Executive Policy Committee: 4/17/2014

Staff Contact: Patsy Horton, Long Range Planning Manager

L&F Committee: 4/16/2014

Petitioner: City of Rapid City

City Council 1st Reading: 4/21/2014

Location: Click here to enter text.

City Council 2nd Reading: N/A

Agenda Title:

14TP004/14TP005 – Approve the 2014 Unified Planning Work Program Amendment 2014-01 and Amendment #1 to the 2014 Unified Planning Work Program Agreement #311181


Amendment 2014-01 to the 2014 Unified Planning Work Program rolls the funding required to complete the remaining 2013 work tasks identified under Professional Services/Consultants tasks into the 2014 Unified Planning Work Program. A summary of those tasks follows:


Professional Services/Consultant Services


Year                    Project Description                                                                             Amount

2013          Box Elder Transportation Plan                                                                       $113,694

2013          Rapid City Comprehensive Plan                                                                    $  70,240

2013          Meade County Corridor Study – High Meadows Subdivision                        $147,000

2013          Rapid City Area Market Research Study                                                       $  89,915

2013          Rapid City Area Origin and Destination Study                                               $  74,998


                                                                                                  Total rollover                  $495,847


Amendment #1 to Agreement #311181 authorizes the City to carry out these Metropolitan Planning Organization functions.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):

Without approval of the amendment, Rapid City will lose the 81.95% provided by Federal Highway Administration ($406,346.61) to complete the on-going contracts, yet still be obligated to pay the $495,847 of the current contract balances. Box Elder and Meade County have paid the City of Rapid City for their local match amounts for these on-going contracts at 18.05%.


Action: Choose an item. Staff recommends authorizing the Mayor and the Finance Officer to sign Amendment 2014-01 to the Rapid City Area 2014 Unified Planning Work Program (14TP004) and Amendment #1 to the 2014 Unified Planning Work Program Agreement #311181 (14TP005).

Notes: Legal Finance recommended approval: 4/16/2014



Attachments & Links:

Staff Memo

2014 UPWP

2014 UPWP Agreement Amendment #1